
Saturday 3 August 2024

Friday's Fave Five (A little late!) 3/8/24

Well I'm a little late but I'm sure I'll be forgiven.  Susanne reminds us every week to look back and remember the things we're thankful for.  You can find out more and check out other posts by going here.

1)  Summer weather.  In fact it's been very hot here this week.  We've had a couple of showers but in between it's been sunny and HOT!

2)  Despite the heat I did manage a couple of walks to the lake - I waited until early evening so it wasn't too hot.  Good to see the swans' brood of cygnets (8) are all doing well and getting quite big.

3)  Lunch with friends.  It was my turn to host our "Ladies Lunch" this week.  There were 5 of us as Catherine's sister was visiting from Holland.  I was told she had no allergies but couldn't bear fresh coriander.  Easy to please then, as are the others.  I just put out some olives and nibbles for when they arrived.  For the main I made a salmon quiche with a green salad plus homemade coleslaw and potato salad.  Followed by Tiramisu for dessert.  I like to do things I can prepare ahead so I'm not panicking on the day.  

4)  A regular in my list here but I'm thankful for a Hubby that cooks.  I find cooking everyday a bit of a chore but I guess preparing food every day does meet the definition of a chore lol.  I much prefer doing what I call "entertaining" cooking, even when it's something fairly simple.

5)  Time with Grandkids Nathan and Ella this week.  Plus a video chat with Rory and Vinny.

As usual I'm useless at remembering to take photos.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. Your lunch menu sounds delicious. I like the idea of a ladies luncheon. When my mom was alive, we often had tea with her group of friends, and it was always a treat to make something special and use the nice dishes. Such nice memories.

  2. Hi Wendy, your lunch menu sounds really good! My hubby cooks too and I love his beans. Your walk to the lake sounds so nice. I wish I lived in the country. Sounds like it is hot everywhere! Enjoy your weekend!


  3. The weather made a big difference this week. Your meal was perfect for a summer's day.

    1. Thanks Marie. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

  4. Salmon quiche! I'd never heard of that, but my youngest loves all things salmon, so I'll have ti tell him about it. Your lunch sounds good. I *love* when other people cook. Glad you got some walks and time with grandkids.

  5. Hello...happy Monday! Do you have ladies lunch every week...or once a month? Sounds like such a lovely thing to do - and your menu sounds delicious! I have never had salmon quiche but I do like salmon and I love, a winner, I'm sure!:)

  6. I agree on the hubby who cooks. Mine does the majority of the cooking here. I truly appreciate that.
    Your luncheon menu sounds delicious (were there leftovers?)
    I love the sunshine of summer (but not the heat). We usually walk in the evenings, too.

  7. Lunch with friends sounds so nice. I'm having lunch with a friend today! I have to confess I find preparing a meal as a chore. I've never been a whiz in the kitchen and cooking for one just isn't very inspiring. But I have those moments. I think it's wonderful that your husband cooks!


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