
Sunday, 26 January 2025

#JusJoJan 26/1/25 - Jubilee

Hey! I’m back with our twenty-sixth prompt for Just Jot it January 2025. Our prompt today is courtesy of Liz. Thank you, Liz! Click here for Liz’s blog.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 26th, 2025 is “jubilee.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

These prompts are organised by Linda who blogs here.

Having done some googling it seems Jubilee has its roots in the Bible but is now more usually known as an anniversary of a particular event, for example our former Queen celebrated 3 major Jubilees during her reign, Silver, Gold and Platinum being 25 year, 50 year and 75 year anniversaries of her coronation.

Lots of events were organised each time on a grand scale but local areas did their own thing too - there were a lot of street parties etc. For the Silver and Golden Jubilees an extra bank holiday was given and, although only one day was given for the Platinum Jubilee, it was combined with the late May bank holiday giving us a 4 day weekend when the main celebrations were held.

It wasn't just about celebrating though, one of the initiatives set up during the Jubilee year was The Queen's Green Canopy which aimed to encourage people to "plant a tree for the Jubilee".

Sadly, having come to the throne aged 73, it's unlikely (although possible) that the present King will reign long enough to celebrate even a Silver Jubilee.


  1. Interesting choice of today's word. Jubilee isn't used that often here in the USA. Not sure how I would have used it if I were doing this exercise. Have a good week ahead, Wendy!


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