
Monday, 24 February 2025

Monday's Musings - 24/2/25

Last week was a very unproductive week for me.  Not sure why but I really wasn't very motivated.  I did hardly any walking (it did rain a lot), missed my keep fit class and had several nights where I didn't sleep very well.

I am determined to do better this week.  I was up a bit earlier today and between us most of the floors have been hoovered and the tiled floors cleaned.  Our bed is in the process of being changed and I'm on my 3rd lot of laundry.

I finished reading a book (The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene) and have managed to slot Heartstone by C J Sansom into a challenge prompt. (Character with red hair - Henry VIII) so I can start reading that at some point.  (I picked it up recently from a local Little Library with the final two of the series too.)


I also managed a lap of the lake although I didn't time that well - I got rained on.  It is even more muddy by the lake - we had a lot of rain overnight recently and it's rained again today.

The river which is usually less than a foot deep and flows very slowly is the highest I've seen it and running quite fast.

It was worth the walk though to catch sight of these new offspring:

Not the best photos but there are 4 Egyptian Geese goslings who blend in with the muddy ground.  I couldn't get very close either as one of the parents was making it very clear that I was encroaching on their space!

Last night I finished stitching all the ends in on my blanket so just the edging to attach now.

This is the book I used for the patterns for the squares.  I originally just started doing various squares with odd wool I had and then began organising them into a suitable layout for a blanket.  Thankfully the end is in sight now - it's been a WIP for a long time!  And I really want to try my hand at making a pair of socks.

Anyway definitely a more motivated Monday.  


  1. What a difference a week can make. Our weather is much nicer this week and I find I'm a lot more motivated to do things. Good job on finishing the blanket! The pattern looks very pretty.

    1. Thanks Karen. Hopefully I'll carry on being more busy this week.

  2. Yeah we all have those unproductive weeks, all we can do is hope they don't drag on, I am a morning person I like to get up early and do as much as I can before I run out of steam


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