
Saturday, 22 February 2025

#SoCS - 22/2/25 - In Person

Full details of how #SoCS works can be found here on host Linda's blog.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “in person.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Well I'm here, "in person" and it's not yet 9 am and I've almost finished my first cup of tea.  No AI impersonation going on here.  I did think about posting a selfie to prove I'm up and semi-awake but I didn't think anyone who's in the least sensitive could take the sight of me pre-tea and breakfast.

I've actually been awake since about 7 and Hubby was snoring on and off so I decided I'd get up and show up here before the day really starts.  

I'm sure that AI will make things a lot easier and more efficient in some instances but I still like to be able to talk to a person when I've got an issue with something or just need some assistance.  I hate working through all the call options before I can get to a person.  Plus I also like to feel that I'm talking to someone here in the UK, not someone half way around the world where the connection isn't great and it's not always easy to hear what the person is saying.  Sometimes it really does feel like they're thousands of miles away.

The systems where you have to speak your responses annoy me even more.  You think you're speaking quite clearly and then you get the annoying "I didn't quite catch that.  Could you repeat it please?" response and you feel like throwing the phone across the room or simply shouting your answer at the phone.  I wonder how long before you get a response of "There's no need to shout!"?

I think it's incredible how much technology has advanced, just in this century alone but sometimes I just think it would be good if people just showed up "in person" and really started getting to grips with the problems facing the world and worked together rather than concentrating on making machines to do things for us.

Although they would need to be better persons than this one who just does a lot of waffling!  (Or some of those currently in positions of power.)

Enjoy your day :)


  1. I have never used AI, here it is 6am and I have been up an hour, I have just finished breakie and I am reading blogs in person because that's how I roll

  2. I hate that ! It takes you the whole morning just to get one answer "yes" or "now" ! and some companies have more then 10 to go through, just to ask if they are open on Saturday morning !


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