Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “open book, close eyes, point, write.” When you’re ready to sit down and write your SoCS post, open the closest printed matter, close your eyes, point to a word, and use it as your prompt. Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!
Well I used the book that I was currently reading (Heartstone by C J Sansom) and the word I landed on was Englishmen.
It's set during the reign of Henry VIII when England is preparing to ward off a French invasion.
I think it's hard to define what makes an English man - there were so many invasions previously - Romans, Vikings etc that are any of us truly English? I have Welsh blood in me from my Dad and Hubby has a mixture of Irish and German in his ancestry so our children are definitely not pure blooded Englishmen. Being born here no longer automatically makes you English either. I think we're all just a lot of mongrels really.
Oops that's probably not politically correct - Crossbreeds. We're crossbreeds!
Thanks to Linda for the prompt. Find out what others had to say here.
Our DNA tells the story, doesn't it!! (not really a question) I am 27% English, 33% German, and 24% Scottish...