Welcome to my blog. It's mainly a log of my day to day life and things that interest me. Feel free to leave me constructive comments.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
#JusJoJan Day 9 - Power
The prompt today is Power. Full details of the rules etc can be found over at Linda's site. Pop over there to see who else is joining in.
Today's prompt was supplied by Erica
The prompt post is also being managed by Dan at No Facilities. Pop over to both of them and say hi if you have time.
Well this is a day late! But I'll post it anyway.
I had it in my head to write a piece about abuse of power, particularly by people in a position of power. Could have written reams about how I ended up not working and then moved on to politics. Thankfully my computer's battery died and you were spared from that rant.
I thought I'd plugged the charger in while I went for dinner only to find I'd forgotten to check the power switch. It was off. But by that time I'd run out of energy too so all you've got is this jot! Power. You have to be careful how you use it.
Ironically, a good mistake to make when the tromp is "power" - Thanks for joining us.