
Monday, 3 April 2017

B is for Brainstorm...A-Z Challenge 2017

My theme for the 2017 challenge is waffling on about random words!

That might not seem like a theme but if you read on you’ll discover it’s not quite as random as it sounds.  The words were generated using a word generator ( and I opted for 4 words each day.  I might focus on one or try and incorporate them all into the post.

Choosing the words this way has given me a challenge and a common thread to my posts but it has also allowed me to be myself and just waffle!  It’s what I’m good at.  (Don’t worry, I’m aiming for around 500 words per post so hopefully you won’t get stuck here for too long 😉)
And the words for today are….





Brainstorm is one of those buzz words we either love or hate.  Fortunately now that I’m no longer working I’m not subjected to storming my brain very often.  Probably a good thing as it could end up in a bloody mess and then it might lead to blows.  Actually I’m not a great fan of using the phrase buzz words.  I guess I’m a purist at heart. (On checking the definition for purist there is no guesswork involved!)

Bouncing ideas is another example of an abstract concept that I’m no longer required to endure.

My thoughts are often jumbled enough without trying to bounce them around in my head kicking up a storm. 

Can you tell that I’m glad to be out of the rat race?  I gave up work 2 years ago so now I’m a lady of leisure.  I’m also a lady that lunches.  I have 3 former work colleagues that I meet up with regularly.  We take it in turn to host lunch.  I’d like to say that we have in depth discussions about the state of the world and how we’re going to put it to rights but of course I would be lying.  We steer clear of politics, we want to stay friends.  We can’t keep off the subject of religion though as we’re all Catholics but we’re more likely to be moaning about the content and length of last Sunday’s homily than reading our bibles. 

Of course we also reminisce about our working times and share our latest family news.  That’s about the extent of our brainstorming.

Are you a fan of brainstorming or does the thought of it send your brain in a spin?


  1. Hello, hope you will accept me as a follower and friend. I am visiting from our mutual friend, Simply Linda. I am a retired RN, 75 years young, and love brainstorming! Hope this week will be a good one for you..........Linda in Tennessee

  2. I used to like the idea of brainstorming - but after toooooo many meetings at work where brainstorming was the 'thing' I came to realize that we would have a wonderfully messy, colourful chart of ideas, but nothing ever came of them.

  3. I haven't ever been a fan of brainstorming. I don't know why! Just don't like to sit around throwing out ideas and everyone thinks theirs is the best. I love being retired too!


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