
Thursday 25 April 2019

V is for Vanished

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter
This year I decided not to tie myself to a theme.  I wanted to do something that felt more like writing rather than composing posts.  I didn’t want it to be a story that had to be followed from start to finish so what I’ve ended up with are: “Conversations in my Head”.

Alice?  Alice?

Hmm it seems that Alice has done a vanishing act.  It’s peaceful around here.  But I do miss her wittering in my head.  It’s reassuring to have a sounding board sometimes. 

I suppose I must have upset her somehow.  I probably called her stupid or silly.  Or just ignored her.  She’s probably fallen down a rabbit hole in my head somewhere.  Which is probably not surprising.  I find it very easy to head off on a tangent sometimes.

It’s like when you go upstairs for something and then when you get there you can’t remember what it was.  Or you go to say something and your mind goes a complete blank.

I’ve talked about this many times.  (Feel free to switch blogs if you’re bored.)  But having watched a loved one vanish in front of my eyes, forgetting everything slowly, painfully, I’m sure I can be forgiven for being paranoid about memory lapses.  Of course I tell myself most of these things are perfectly normal, especially as you age.  But it’s still scary when you’re trying to recall something, for example someone’s name, and it just won’t come. 

Or when you’re trying to compose a blog post and you have an idea but you just can’t get the right words to form the sentences.  (I just typed write instead of right.  Is that something else I should be worried about? lol)

This post isn't coming together the way I hoped.  Hey who am I kidding?  I didn’t really have a plan for it.

Well of course you didn’t, you started without me!

Oh Alice, thank goodness.  I’m at a loss for words.

I find that very hard to believe but fortunately for you I have not vanished.  But, I’m very surprised you thought you could do this post on your own.  Maybe we should rename the post Vanity?

Hmm.  I think I liked it better when you vanished!


  1. I have those memory lapses too! My retrieval system is a little slower than it used to be. Good post!


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