
Friday 26 April 2019

W is for Waffle

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter

This year I decided not to tie myself to a theme.  I wanted to do something that felt more like writing rather than composing posts.  I didn’t want it to be a story that had to be followed from start to finish so what I’ve ended up with are: “Conversations in my Head”.

So, are we agreed?

Agreed about what Alice?

That after yesterday’s debacle, today you:

  1. Will not start without me;
  2. You will listen to what I have to say; and
  3. You will not waffle!

But Alice, Waffle is what I do best. 

It’s what you think you do best, but by the way it doesn’t need to have a capital W, it’s not that important.

But I’m good at it Alice.  I love telling stories and explaining things.

And going on and on and on…

The devil is in the detail sometimes Alice so you have to include all the details.

Not always.  Sometimes people just want to know the start and end point of a story.  They don’t need to know all the inconsequential bits in the middle.

But a good story has to have a beginning, a middle and an end.  Otherwise it’s boring.

Have you not noticed people’s eyes glazing over when you’re telling an anecdote?

Well I can’t help it if I have a way with words.  Surely you must agree that I’m good at telling stories.  You’ve heard me reading to the grandchildren.  Especially Nathan.  I really love reading him books.  Things like “We’re going on a bear hunt” or “The Tiger who came to tea”.  It’s really fun putting on the voices and pointing things out.  You have to make it interesting so that they’re engaged.  Otherwise reading is boring and becomes a chore.  I want them to have a love of books.  And telling stories helps develop their imagination.   

Where would you be Alice if Lewis Carroll hadn’t had imagination?  Not here, that’s for sure.

Yes but you always use lots of words and sometimes the occasion just calls for you to be brief and to the point!

So, as my muse, the one who is supposed to help me with inspiration and words, you are telling me to use less words?

Well no, not exactly.  I’m just saying sometimes the facts are more important than the padding.

Ok Alice, I’ll be brief and to the point, you’re fired!

Ha, nice try.  I’ll be back tomorrow!


  1. Some days, you just need to tell the muse to shut up...

  2. LOL about John's comment. I have enjoyed meeting your Alice!

  3. So fun Wendy!! Is Alice really fired. HA!


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