
Friday, 3 January 2025

JusJoJan - 3/1/25 - Meander

Today's prompt comes from the great mind of Kaye. Her blog can be found here  Kaye’s blog .

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 3rd, 2025 is “meander.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Well I took a meander around the lake today.  It was quite cold - we had a hard frost overnight - but it was bright and sunny all day.  It was late afternoon when I went so the sun was already going down so not as bright.

It was good to see this pair of Egyptian Geese are still around.

It was also good to see that some of this year's group of cygnets have already left the lake.  Of the original 8 there only seem to be 3 left to leave.  I couldn't get a photo of all of them together with the parents as one seemed to want to be on its own.  The adult pair are notorious for chasing off their young once they are mature enough to leave to the extent that often the cygnets need rescuing and taking to another lake where there is a large flock of swans.

They were meandering their way to the top of the lake at this point.


  1. Nice pictures. You have a lovely place to walk. Have a good weekend.

  2. You have such a lovely place to walk! The lake is beautiful and is a great place to meander!!

  3. Lovely warm pictures to brighten up a really chilly Jsnuary morning in my neck of t woods. Thank you!


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