
Saturday, 4 January 2025

#SoCS / #JusJoJan - 4/1/25

Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 4th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “in front/behind.” Use “in front,” use “behind,” or use them both in your post for bonus points! Enjoy!

Wondering what this is all about - find out here.

Well a few days of 2025 are behind us now, so far so good.  Although I think I'm a little behind in preparing our house for decorators who start on Monday.

We are having our hallway repainted and then our main living room.  This means moving things around.  We currently have storage/display units in our living room that are going to be replaced.  So they have had to be emptied out.  They hold a LOT of stuff.  Which is now in one of the spare bedrooms.

Thankfully we're not expecting guests anytime soon.  Well I guess March is kind of soon.  But I'm getting in front of myself.  The guests we're expecting are my younger son's in-laws and they haven't even given us a date yet.  And they'd be happy to sleep in the other spare room which I've tried to keep clear of any excess stuff.

I spoke too soon.  I have just been interrupted in my stream of thoughts by my Husband, who has just discovered my weighing scales have a setting for millilitres.  We have had the scales for what feels like forever and normally they are only used to weigh things in grams BUT they do have other options.  We have just had a very pointless discussion about the pros and cons of this.  I can't believe he's only just noticed the options, he can't understand why you want to weigh something that's measured by volume.

Just when I though I was in front now I'm definitely feeling behind.  Hopefully it won't affect the dinner he's cooking.

I should just stop waffling and finish moving the stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy, I feel your anxiety because I just went through getting new floors in the whole house. I had to stay a couple of days ahead of the man installing the floors. Thankfully, he moved the heavy furniture but I had to clear out drawers, closets and cupboards. It sure feels good that it's done and I was able to purge a lot. It's a good thing! What color(s) have you chosen?


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