Saturday, 16 January 2016

Lazy Saturday 16/1/16

I'm enjoying a lazy Saturday.  Our son and his fiancee are down for the weekend but at the moment they have gone with hubby to visit my MIL so it is quiet here.  Maybe I should play some music.  Loudly.  Lol that's not my style at all.  I like the peace and quiet.

It won't last long though.  Our youngest son and his wife are coming later and the plan is to play board games and have take away pizza.  The two boys together will make noise.  But it's good to have people in the house.  Tomorrow our daughter and her wife will join us for Sunday lunch.

Then on Monday things will get back to normal.  Will I miss the noise and company?  A little, but the peace and quiet is nice because I know it will soon be broken again when they next visit.

I'm trying to keep my step count up but it's harder at the weekend.  I'll need to run up and down the stairs a few times and do some laps of the kitchen.  It's starting to get dark now so too late for a walk.  I did do a video exercise session earlier so I'm not totally a couch potato today.

I've also started the process of migrating my Shelfari bookshelf over to Goodreads.  Well I'm in the process of downloading my data as a back up in case they mess up when exporting it!  Did I mention that I don't always trust technology?


  1. Enjoy your family time...and your peace and quiet time. Blessings

  2. Lazy Saturday's are good and your weekend sounds great with everyone there. I do agree though that it is nice when the peace and quiet descends when they all go home. We had a busy day at the kennels. Got home about 3. Simon took Beanie out and I have been relaxing. For once I found a film I thought I would like on Netflix and I have watched it whilst knitting a scarf for Simon. The scarf is easy k2 p2 rib so I can manage it with my limited knitting skills. The film was Grown ups with Adam Sandler and it was funny. To answer your question from earlier regarding Alan Rickmansworth; yes I have seen Love Actually but cant recall who he was. I have not seen any Harry Potter films or read any of the books. Not heard of good reads either, I might look into that. I am now having a bath while Simon cooks dinner. The plan for tonight is to light the fire and chill with some red stuff. Enjoy your weekend. Xx

  3. Lazy saturday here too, at least for the morning - then I HAVE to clean the bathroom and vacuum up the dust bunnies. They are taking over the living room. lol Enjoy your quiet, and enjoy your noise.

  4. My weekend is being spent at the hospital with Joe. Not how we were expecting to spend it!! Sounds like you and your kids are having some fun! I like the quiet but sure miss the noise and fun when the kids are here.


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