Wednesday's Hodgepodge is hosted by Joyce at "From this side of the pond". Pop over to see who else is joining in the fun.Well it's been a while since I did one of these but the weather is so hot here at the moment that blogging is preferable to trying to tick off anything on the to do list of chores etc. So here we go:
1.What was the best (or one of the best) summers of your life? Tell us why. The summer of 1984 which was the year we got married. Our wedding was in June and we had a lovely hot sunny day. We took a honeymoon in Austria and then we started really getting to know one another - annoying habits and all lol. That was 40 years ago now.
2. When you have a trip coming up do you make a list and check it twice to ensure you don't forget anything? Or are you a 'throw whatever you can think of into the suitcase at the last minute' kind of packer? When returning from a trip do you unpack immediately or leave the suitcase right where it lands?
Definitely a list maker on a trip anywhere new but less so if I'm going anywhere familiar. Although despite the list I can still be a bit of a last minute packer. As for unpacking that probably depends on what time we get back and how long we've been travelling for. Unpacking isn't something I stress over but I do like to do it sooner rather than later.
3. What's your favourite food or beverage made with lemons? Is that a flavour you enjoy?
Favourite food - Lemon drizzle cake.
I'm not a fan of lemon beverages - don't even think about putting it in tea! Of course I drink lemonade but the sort we get from the supermarket here bears no resemblance to home made lemonade.
4. When was the last time you had to make lemonade out of lemons, figuratively speaking I mean?
I've never made lemonade and I'm trying to think of a figurative example - probably when hosting a "ladies lunch" here and my glass casserole dish broke into pieces and I definitely had to improvise although I can't remember what we ended up eating.
5. Did you like school growing up? Why or why not?
I did like school but not sure I loved it. I was a shy child with a few close friends and always tried to please. Thankfully I was never bullied though.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
The question on packing has reminded me that I need to make a list! We're going away soon for our annual big family get together.