Saturday, 1 October 2022

Zero Excuses - 1/10/22

Click on the image for more info.

Yes it's another A-Z challenge.  Less arduous (in theory) than the April challenge which involves posting everyday except Sundays, this challenge involves working backwards through the alphabet with only 2 posts a week required.  Following that timeframe will take participants up to December.  The fantastic A-Z team have even given us suggestions for prompts.  What could be easier?

Umm well as often is the case, I'm late to the party.  The first two posts were due by the 27th September.  The first prompt was Zero excuses so I'm not going to make any for my tardiness.

I'm not going to explain that I didn't read the A-Z post about the challenge on the day it was posted.

I'm not going to talk about having my Grandson Vinny for the day on Wednesday or how Thursday was spent shopping for our trip to Nottingham.

And the trip to Nottingham for our Grandson Miles's 2nd birthday is definitely not an excuse for being late to the party.  Although look at his beaming face.

Visit our Grandson v getting blog posts done - no contest.  Miles would win every time.

His brother Noah was pretty happy too.

Anyway I'm off the mark, out of the starting blocks, on my way.  I'm sure there will be other weeks when I'm not on schedule but as the prompt says, there will be Zero Excuses.


  1. Another fun exercise for you A to Zers!! Your boys are adorable, Wendy!! xo


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