Sunday, 30 April 2023

A - Z Challenge 2023 - Z is for Zany

#AtoZChallenge 2023
Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

This year I'm writing about things connected with Being a Grandparent.  For an introduction to my grandchildren check out my theme reveal here.

One of the things I'm grateful for now I'm a grandparent is how easy it is for the parents to capture images of my grandchildren and send them to us.  Be it by WhatsApp, text, Instagram etc.  

Over the years I've been sent so many lovely photos, as well as the grumpy faced ones and of course lots of video clips.  The video clips are often hilarious, especially if the grandchildren are trying to sing or dance.  

We have some particularly good ones of Nathan, especially before he realises he's being filmed then he gets all cross and won't continue.

For that reason, plus once something's on the internet it can never be totally removed I'm not going to post any of the videos here.  But what I will say that when trying to describe their antics, ZANY is a good word.  (And ticks the final letter of the challenge!)


  1. Congrats on finishing the A to Z! I've loved reading about your grandkids. Still not ready to have any of my own but you have some really cute stories!
    Janet’s Smiles

  2. Congratulations, Wendy!! Another brilliant A-Z!! You are my only blogging friend still doing the A-Z challenge and I sure enjoyed reading your posts!! Have a lovely week ahead!


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