Wednesday 14 February 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - 14/2/24

It's Wednesday so time to join in with the Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce here

1. What does love mean to you? 

Hard to put that into words but I think these words say it all:

2. Is love blind? 

I'm not sure it's love that's blind rather that we let love blind us to the faults in the ones we love.

Well that's what I started to say but now I'm debating if that actually means love is blind lol.

Let's just say it's often complicated!

3. How do you remember Valentine's Day as a kid? Do you have any special plans for the day this year? 

I can always remember that my Dad, although quite strict and maybe a bit staid was a bit of a romantic when it came to birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine's Day - he always got my Mum cards with lovely words and usually flowers of some sort.

No plans for us - my Hubby is not particularly romantic and hates what he sees as the over commercialism of events like Valentine's Day etc.  We did go out for a meal one year (ages ago now) but the restaurant had tried to capitalise on their space so much that although the tables were all for just 2 people they were so close together you could hear about 8 conversations going on.  Not in the least romantic lol.

4 Are you a fan of the movie genre known as 'rom-com'? What's your favourite (or one of your favourites)?

I do love a good 'rom-com' and have lots of favourites so hard to pick one - Notting Hill, 4 Weddings and a Funeral, Sleepless in Seattle, While you were sleeping etc etc..........

5. What's something you recently put your heart into? 

I'm quite committed to the Foodbank I volunteer at and recently I put my name in the hat for a space on the management committee for a Volunteer Representative.  A few people did the same so we had to have a brief "chat" (aka an interview) with 2 members of the committee.  A bit nerve wracking when you've been out of the working world for 9 years.  I wasn't successful, mainly because all the other candidates have had a lot more experience of volunteering at the Foodbank so I wasn't that surprised and certainly not too disappointed.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Wishing I was a year older then I would have had an additional Covid booster and might not have tested positive this morning after feeling a bit unwell since yesterday.  Hopefully I haven't passed it on to anyone (my son and his family were here overnight)  but Hubby has had the extra jab and tested negative.  Fingers crossed!

Thankfully I'm not feeling too bad but definitely a bit under the weather.  A good excuse for reading, blogging and just watching TV though.  Every cloud .....


  1. I agree with your husband then; I hate how commercialized it is and people just buy in. I had to go to the store this morning because I'm always pressed for time and I was reminded how many men will last-minute buy some garbage from there. Like, you don't have to do it because society says to!

  2. We never celebrated Valentine's day, we were not used to (in both countries) Here we were told to treat the Covid like a flu, and that tests are not necessary. Anyway I have 4 shots, but still had all symptoms, so I suppose it was the flu. I would never do a test for what ? it doesn't change anything.

    1. We don't have to test but there are still times when I'd want to be sure I wasn't going to pass it on to anyone - for example there are vulnerable people who attend the foodbank and my SIL is having cancer treatment so I wouldn't want to give it to her. And we still had some test kits left. Not sure I would buy anymore now that we can't get them free.

  3. We rarely go out on Valentine's Day because the restaurants are crowded and often have a set price menu. I'm sorry you're ill and hope it's a mild case. We had it in early December but weren't really sick, just a positive test. Hubs felt like he had a sinus infection and I had a cough and we were both more tired than normal. Take care and hopefully everyone else stays healthy too.

  4. We've avoided going to a restaurant on Valentine's day for most of our married life. Sorry to hear you are sick. From what I've heard from people the symptoms are not as bad as the original. Hope you get better soon.

    1. This is the second time I've had it and fortunately it's been fairly mild both times

  5. I haven't seen it in years, but I remember the goofy roommate in "Notting Hill."

  6. Sorry you have covid. Hope you won't be too sick. Your dad was sweet to go overboard on holidays!! Wendy, we could sit down with some popcorn and watch the same rom-com movies all evening!! I love those too. A fun Hodgepodge!!

  7. Hi Wendy, hope you are feeling better!!!
    We enjoyed a homecooked meal for Valentine's Day and played a card game. It was a nice night for us.

  8. Oh, I'm so sorry you have COVID. Hope you're still not too poorly and that you didn't pass it on to anyone around you.

    Loved reading your story about your father's romantic side. Sucks about the experience you had eating out with your hubby one Valentine's. I would've hated that really.


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