Friday 29 March 2024

Friday's Fave Five - 29/3/24

And just like that 3 weeks have gone by.  How?

Thanks to Susanne for reminding us every week to take a look back on the week and find the good things to be thankful for.  Find out more here.

Lots for me to look back on!

1)  A lovely Mother's Day spent with 4 of the grandkids and their parents at a nearby Italian restaurant that are really good with the youngsters.

Not a fan of them using screens too much but when the kids finish eating before you've hardly started and dessert is a while away at least it kept them entertained.

Unfortunately Ella wasn't feeling too well (turned out she had an ear infection which needed antibiotics) and she put herself to sleep.

2)  A meal out with Hubby's siblings - his sister-in-law turned 60 this month so we'd arranged a get together to give her the presents from us all.  We only celebrate the big birthdays now and put together so that we can get nice presents for the birthday boy or girl.

3)  Two Knit and Natter sessions which are always fun.

4)  Time with my younger son and his family last Saturday - grandsons Rory and Vinny.  We'd babysat them the week before and Vinny was very disappointed that we did it at their house as he wanted to go to Nanny's house so we had them here for the afternoon and dinner.

5)  Helping out at the Foodbank makes me very aware of how fortunate we are to have enough money for food, bills, etc and many extras.  Sometimes it's good to just think of the basic things that we sometimes take for granted.

And now it's Easter - we have my elder son and his family here from today for a week as the grandsons are on school holidays now - another thing to be grateful for.

Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it and hope everyone has a good weekend.


  1. I love how this Fave Five is almost all about grandchildren. You are so blessed to live so near to them all.
    I'd love to be a fly on the wall during your knit and natter get togethers.
    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  2. Belated happy Mother's Day! How neat to spend it with family. I agree about screens--some times they do come in handy. That's so sweet that Vinny wanted to come to your house. That's true that, even if we don't think we're well off, we have so much to be thankful for. Happy Easter!

  3. Loved your #5. So very true. We forget to be thankful for basic blessings such as being able to pay for food and bills. So many cannot. Your Mother's Day sounds lovely. Sorry the little one was not feeling well. Our Mother's Day is in May.


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