Friday, 28 February 2025

Friday's Fave Five - 28/2/25

Time to join up with Susanne and other grateful bloggers here as we remember the good things from the week.

1) Our units have been fitted in our living room!

 my photos don't really do them justice but we're really pleased with them and now we can start getting everything back in place.  

2)  The mammogram I had done a couple of weeks ago was all clear.  The next one will be in 3 years.

3)  Made it to keep fit this week and a catch up with friends afterwards.

4)  The postal service.  The books I had sent to my grandsons in the US arrived safely, despite all the snow they've had.

5)  A weekend with my son and his family.  They arrived this evening and will be here until Sunday.

Have a good weekend all.  Ours will be hectic as we'll have my daughter and her family here to visit - the cousins love getting together.


  1. I love those built-in units you had installed in your home. They are really great. So glad that you are pleased with them. So glad that your mammogram was clear and that you were able to get some exercise and catch up with friends afterwards. Enjoy your weekend with your son's family. See you again soon!

  2. Your built-in units look great! It will be fun to fill them in and arrange things. I'm glad your books arrived to your grandsons safely and your mammogram was clear. I have mine in a couple of weeks. Have a great weekend with your family!

  3. Those built in units are beautiful. Good news on the mammo.
    Are your grands enjoying all the snow? Glad that the books arrived safely.
    Enjoy your busy weekend!

  4. Those units look fantastic and good news about the mammogram!
    Have a lovely time with your daughter and her family.

  5. I also like the look of those built in units, good to hear the mammogram was all clear

  6. Enjoy your family time Wendy. :-)
    Good news regarding your mammogram.

  7. I love the look of white shelves and cabinets. So clean and light. You must be so excited to get everything put back together!

  8. Glad for the all clear on your mammogram. I love the built ins! They look great.


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