Friday, 7 March 2025

Friday's Fave Five - 7/3/25

Susanne encourages every week to look back and find the blessings we've had and share them here.  Thanks Susanne.

Here are mine:

1) A hectic but good weekend with my eldest son and his family down from Nottingham and of course that meant we also had my daughter and her family here for a meal each day.  Thankfully we had good weather so the kids were able to get out in the garden - a lot of football was played.

Miles, Nathan, Ella and Noah

Getting them all to pose for a picture takes a lot of cajoling. Noah is holding a picture of Rory and Vinny. They miss them.


The end is in sight!  I've started to sew the border to my blanket.  Of course I found that I hadn't made enough so I've been knitting that this week.  Nearly there.

3)  A knit and natter session this week helped with getting more border knitted.  We do have a good chat and it's not always about knitting.  This week we did talk about tubular cast-ons but we also covered dying on the toilet, decomposing bodies, Australian Traitors, haunted houses, Agatha Christie and Richard Osman.  And a lovely blanket that one member has made to protect her sofa from her dog!  We always have a laugh.

4)  Hubby has moved all his records and CDs into our new units so the bedrooms are looking less cluttered.  We had to ask for an additional shelf for one of the display units as he has so many CDs.  The guy dropped that off the same day I asked about it and didn't charge us any extra so we were really pleased by that.

5)  I thought I was coming down with a cold yesterday.  I woke up with a scratchy throat and definitely felt below par.  I had a very easy day and, thankfully, today, I woke up feeling fine.  I managed to get out for a walk in the sunshine and I picked up some daffodils in the supermarket.  I do love to have daffodils in the house to show that Spring is definitely coming.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. Hi Wendy, Daffodils are lovely and can really brighten things up. So glad you didn't end up getting sick. Your grands are lovely. Have a great weekend! See you again soon!

  2. Daffodils are so cheerful!
    Thankful you didn't get sick!
    What a cute picture of your grandchildren.
    I hope you have lots more days of sunshine and warmth for outdoor walks. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thanks Faith - we're set to have nice weather all weekend.

  3. Wendy, your blanket is SO pretty!! I sure enjoyed seeing your grands!! Gosh, they are growing up so fast, for goodness sake!! I'm sure Rory and Vinny miss their cousins, too! Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Terri. Yes they do miss each other and it's hard for the younger ones to fully understand the distance and why visits will be few and far between.

  4. I love daffodils! And I am waiting for all the bulbs I planted in the garden to pop up. They are just beginning to show green.
    Love that blanket! That edging is very pretty. Your knit and natter group sounds like it is lots of fun.
    That photo of the grands is adorable. And adding the picture of Rory and Vinny is so sweet.
    Have a good week!

    1. Thank you. Lots of flowers popping up around here.

  5. How lovely to have family visiting. It does sound hectic but I am sure worth it.
    The knit and natter session sounds like fun and I am glad you are feeling better now. I started with a cold Thursday evening and I think I am over the worst of it now. Phew!

    1. Thanks. Hope you're feeling better by now.

  6. Your blanket is so pretty! So colorful.
    It's wonderful to have family visit. Even if it is hectic, it's sure worth it.
    I love all the subjects you discuss in your knit and knatter group! I'm an Agatha Christie fan.
    Have a good weekend.

    1. I've got an Agatha Christie on my TBR pile that I'm planning to get to next.

  7. That blanket is so cute! I love the lace edging. Do you have special plans for it when it's done? What a variety of topics your group talked about, LOL! We have known two people who died while on the toilet, so it does happen. I guess it can happen anywhere.

    I'm glad you're feeling better and were able to get the extra shelf. What a fun time with the cousins. I can imagine how they miss the far-away ones.

    1. Thanks Barbara. I think I'm going to keep the blanket for me for when it's colder and I'm sitting watching TV or reading etc.

  8. Your blanket is so pretty! I like that picture of your grands! Have a happy Sunday!


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