Thursday, 4 June 2015

A - Z Road Trip & goals for June

Hmm no blogs for a few days then three in a row.  A bit like London buses.  Although that's actually not a fair comment anymore as our bus service is actually quite good locally.

Having completed the A - Z Challenge, as a means to get back into blogging regularly, I've now signed up for the Road Trip - this gives an opportunity to continue visiting the blogs of those who participated but without the pressure of trying to do all that and get a daily post done.  There's also less pressure as only 172 bloggers signed up for the Road Trip compared to the huge number that took part in the challenge. (1509 at the final count.)

I think my aim for this will be to read 10 blogs a week. (Probably at the weekend.)  I've copied the list into a word file so that I can make notes or just cross off the ones I've been to as I go along.  I'm going to start at the bottom and work my way up so that those on the bottom of the list feel some love early on.  (Be nice if some others did this as I'm near the bottom of the list!)  That should give me plenty of time to get through the list before the next challenge starts.  Yes I will be doing it again but I might try and do a bit more forward planning next time.  I'll also need a theme.  For me having a theme definitely helped.

There's one problem I have with blogging - finding the time to visit other bloggers.  Especially things like memes where the whole point of joining them is to interact with other bloggers.  I love the Wednesday Hodgepodge but it takes time to get around to all the participants.  Again I'm giving myself a target of 10 at a time until I've done the list. 

In my previous post I talked about having a schedule but also being flexible.  That said I also think I need to set myself some goals to aim for each month so for June these are as follows:

Walk at least 10 miles per week.  
Fix the curtain in my lounge (the heading tape is coming adrift)
Touch up the peeling paint in the kitchen
Strip the wallpaper in the spare room
Ride my bike

These things are realistic.  I could add in lose weight but that might not be realistic.  I'm not overweight but I'd like to weigh a bit less.  Having said that I'm not unhappy with how I am and as long as I don't go in the wrong direction I'm not going to lose sleep over how I look.  (Plus I'm not much good at dieting!)

1 comment:

  1. I like the road trip idea!:) I also like your goals and how realistic they are! Good luck. :)


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