Friday 14 June 2019

Lethargy strikes!

After the buzz from completing the A-Z challenge this year I have definitely struggled with my blogging.  I know that I'm tired - 3 days of Grandsitting a week is exhausting.  Lovely, but exhausting.  I will be glad when the summer holidays start and I'll be back to 2 days a week.  But it's not just that.  I seem to have lost a bit of enthusiasm. That coupled with the fatigue and it's been a struggle just to keep up with reading and commenting on your blogs let alone finding inspiration to come up with my own posts.

Of course having a big O birthday coming up doesn't help.  I think I'm a bit in denial over that.  It's just a number after all.  I keep getting asked what I'll be doing.  Will there be a party? etc etc.

Well no there will not be a party.  We are going away the weekend after with all the kids and Grandkids so I'm looking forward to that but I'm hoping it will be quite low key.  I just love spending time with them all, especially watching the interaction between the little ones.

I'm even struggling to come up with suggestions for a family present.  Nick's family always collect for big O birthdays and I was asked what I'd like and I'm finding it hard.  I have thought of a few things but I really need to sit down and sort out some ideas for the organiser.

I feel a bit in limbo at the moment.  There are things I want to be getting on with in the house but our daughter is trying to move and there is a small possibility that if the timing doesn't work well they could have to stay with us for a little while.  We are more than happy to help out if we need to but the next job we need to get done in our house will mean a lot of disruption in the kitchen so I'm waiting on that for now.

And now I feel like a moaning minny but I guess I just wanted to explain my absence and lack of visits and comments.  Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon and I did manage to count my blessings for a Friday's Fave Five post this week.  I definitely have a lot of blessings to be thankful for, especially this lot:


  1. Funny how sometimes you can write posts and comment on other blogs and then motivation and inspiration disappear. I just get tired. I'm sure you must be exhausted looking after the children for half the week. Be kind to yourself.

    1. This is weird. I replied to you and it's disappeared! Anyway I am trying to be kind to myself and I'm also getting better to say NO.

  2. I go through these spells myself. In fact, I feel the same coming off of AtoZ - just couldn't get back into the grove again. Maybe it is something in the air! Ha.

    1. Yes it's hard after a big challenge to refocus.

  3. I love your family, and no worries, Wendy! You have had so much on your plate! Take the time you need, enjoy that "0" birthday and your vacation with all those you love and who love you!

  4. I love the photo Wendy. Thank you for sharing your sweet family with us.
    You enjoy your family!!
    Love, Carla

  5. I totally understand you’re prioritizing your family. And I can relate to my enthusiasm coming and going.

  6. I am in the same state as you ! I have a lack of energy it's terrible I feel real empty ! Your family picture is real nice ! It's amazing when you see it now and in the beginning of your marriage there were only two people !


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