Sunday 7 May 2023

Bits and Bobs

This weekend was the much anticipated Coronation of King Charles III.

I watched it all on TV in the peace and quiet of my home.  My Hubby, who is not a fan of royalty took himself out.

I enjoyed watching it - we certainly do pomp and ceremony well, even in the rain.  There have also been a lot of street parties taking place and people do seem to have got behind the new King.

Of course there are also people who feel we shouldn't have a monarchy and that the money spent on this event could have been put to better use.  There are pros and cons for both arguments.

It rained on and off all day yesterday but it didn't spoil the event.

Today has been much nicer, warm and sunny.  I've had another lazy day but I did get out for a walk up into the forest and back down by the golf course for a change.  I was glad I'd put my walking boots on though as the rain yesterday has made the paths very muddy again.

We have a bank holiday tomorrow but of course when you're retired it doesn't have the same impact!

I've finally finished reading the Terry Pratchett book I'd started nearly a week ago.  It was the second of his books that I've read for the BBC list I'm still slowly working through.  Thankfully there are no more of his books on the list because I am done with Pratchett.  I don't dislike a bit of fantasy or sci-fi but I found his books hard going.  Perhaps I'm just too old lol.


  1. I didn't watch the coronation, but I do have a lot of respect for much of British history and tradition. I would like to see the BBC reading list. I am going to Google that one! I hope you have a good week!

  2. Like you, I had a quiet day and enjoyed watching the coronation from the comfort of my own home

  3. I was away at a scrapbook weekend but I think I would have watched at least some of it if I had been home. Even if only to see what everyone was wearing - LOL.
    Janet’s Smiles

  4. I am not familiar with that title, but sci-fi is not my go to either. I enjoyed watching all the festivities. You are so right...nobody does it like the British! I know there are always haters, but these events also seem to bond citizens in a way that is positive.

  5. Kudos to you for sticking with a book you aren't enjoying. I would just put it aside. I did not watch any of the coronation but have seen a few pictures on FB. I've been watching "The Crown" and look forward to the next season but I really don't have any thoughts, pro or con, about Royalty. Have a good week, Wendy!

  6. Hi Wendy, I watched some hightlights. And I do enjoy how your country has this tradition, so I hope it stays.

  7. I refuse to watch anything regarding King Charles. Maybe because as a Christ follower I just can't agree with his affair he had while Diana was living. however, before the Queen passed, I watched every thing regarding the royal family. Camilla is NOT classy like the princesses and the Queen in my opinion. They can dress her up, etc but....character and integrity are what get me to notice royals or politicians. Not adultery.

    that said....sounds like the rest of your week was just awesome with forest walks, finishing a book you didn't like!! (i refuse to read a book I don't like hahahah). My hubby LOVES sci fi and so does my oldest girl altho she leans more towards fantasy than sci fi.

    ENJOY the weekend!!

  8. I so enjoyed watching the events of the coronation. The traditions, history and the pageantry are fascinating. It must be hard for the family to live in the spotlight. No one is perfect, but to have their personal lives spread all over the tabloids just doesn't seem right.


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