Monday, 13 January 2025

#JusJoJan 13/1/25 - Embrace

Welcome to our thirteenth prompt for Just Jot it January 2025. Today, the prompt is brought to us by the lovely Laura. Thank you, Laura! You can visit her blog HERE to read her post and say hello. 

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 13th, 2025 is “embrace.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

And here's the link to Linda's blog to see who else is taking part.

Well I am definitely embracing this challenge. But the best embrace has to last about 20 seconds to have a good effect on us.  20 seconds is quite a long time but trust me, it's worth it.  It's all about the oxytocin.

There just a jot today.

Still got decorators in but the hall is done.

And British Heart Foundation came and took our old display units away today.  Now we just need to organise new ones for the living room.  Plus new sofas, rugs, curtains.........not sure Hubby realised how one thing leads to another lol.


  1. I definitely understand how one thing leads to another when it comes to home decorating! I love the color...very pretty!

  2. Your hallway looks great! Isn't it fun to get everything refreshed and yes, one thing leads to another and another! Thanks for the photos! Have a blessed week ahead!

  3. The hall is looking lovely. I like the colour of the walls.


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