Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Wednesday Hodgepodge - 22/1/25

The Hodgepodge is hosted by Joyce here. She comes up with the questions, we write the answers and share them. Pop over to see who else is joining in the fun.

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?

2017 springs to mind as that was the year we travelled to Australia with my daughter, her wife and our then 8 month old Grandson Nathan. Of course it wasn't winter there it was leading into summer but we had a wonderful time.

2. Tell us about the last time or a recent time you were caught up in red tape. Does it send your frustration level off the charts or is it something you've come to expect when dealing with any sort of bureaucracy?

It seems that any time you try and deal with a government department red tape is involved. The worst case I had was when trying to register for a Government Gateway ID - something you have to have in the UK to do anything online with the Government. I had great problems with this and the root of the problem was that they had my date of birth recorded incorrectly. I then had to send them a notarised copy of my birth certificate. Fortunately my best friend's daughter is a solicitor and she did it for me free of charge but the whole process was very annoying.

3. Do you eat/like fish? Do you cook fish at home? What's your favourite fish dish? Ever been ice fishing?

Yes I eat fish. Hubby usually cooks it at home and often it's salmon. Never been ice fishing or any sort of fishing.

4. Did you watch any of the US President's Inauguration coverage on Monday, Jan 20? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not at all and 10 being very very) how interested are you in politics in general? Do you follow/keep up with/ get involved with local politics?

We saw snippets of the coverage on our news programme here in the UK. I guess I'm a 3 on the scale - I try to keep some sort of interest going but I'm definitely not hands on.

5. What's the coziest thing you own and what makes it so?

Hmm I have some cozy pyjamas that are actually too hot to wear in bed but I also have a long dressing gown that's warm but also very soft that's good for snuggling under a blanket and watching TV before I get dressed.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I tend to steer clear of discussing politics - it's such a divisive subject.


  1. Hi Wendy,
    I wonder if your family here in the USA will venture out to ice fish. I shared some past photos on my Hodgepodge post today of us ice fishing... the fancy way... in a heated shanty. ;-)
    Love, Carla

  2. Oh Amen to your random thought!!
    I'm wondering if your Vermont son (daughter?? i can't remember which) does any ice fishing. It's big in various parts of NY and Vermont.
    I love salmon.
    How fun to visit Australia! I hope to one day but i've got other countries on my list before that: Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, England first. (have been to Italy an France although wanna go back to both to cities/areas we didn't get to mainly Venice, Lake Como, Provence, Bordeaux).

  3. I enjoyed reading your answers. I don't like politics either but will say I am happy with our new President. No ice fishing for me - or any fishing, for that matter. I do like to eat fish/seafood!!

  4. I wished I wôuld be in Australia right now ! There I would enjoy winter !

  5. I've never been to Australia but have friends there and would love to go someday. It's quite a trip so not sure it will happen. It's been hard to avoid politics in the US lately. Hoping things settle down now that the election is behind us. We live very near the border of two other states so had political advertising from all three! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  6. Ohh! A winter in Australia sounds amazing and oh yes, the Government Gateway ID is a right pain! They had all of my details correct and I still struggled with setting one up.
    I have pj's that are too hot for bed too, I love wearing them around the house.

  7. That trip is a nice memory. Sorry about the red tape you went through. Yes, salmon is really good. Your cozy items sound great.


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