Saturday, 18 January 2025

#SoCS & #JusJoJan 18/1/25

Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 18th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “pack/peck/pick/pock/puck.” Use one or use ’em all for bonus points—it’s up to you! Enjoy!

For more info on how these work pop over to host Linda's blog here.

It seems longer than 2 weeks since we were packing up all the things stored in the units that were in our living room, plus all the stuff on shelves, walls etc in there and in the hall in preparation for them to be decorated.

One of our spare bedrooms was packed to the rafters with everything we emptied out.

The decorators finished on Thursday this week and now we have to pick a carpenter to build new storage cupboard/display units for the living room.  The old units were from IKEA and we gained them with the house.  They had served their time.  Hopefully they will serve someone else in the future as they were donated to the British Heart Foundation which has charity shops that are specifically for furniture items.

We could probably manage without moving any of the stuff back down until the units have been made and fitted, except the children's toys.  Especially when you have an unplanned visit from two of your grandchildren who need to be entertained.  

They were here for a short time on Friday and couldn't believe there were no toys in the living room.  None at all.  They were also not impressed with the small bedroom TV that we have in there temporarily while we wait for a new stand for our living room TV.

We had them again today so we started the day by unpacking the toys/games etc from the bedroom with a 4 and 7 year old "helping"!  That was fun.

So we've unpacked and today we picked games to play and watched the birds peck at the food in the feeders.  Thankfully nothing seems to be pocked and Puck belongs in Shakespeare although ice hockey players would disagree.


  1. Cleverly slipped in at the end there.

  2. Hooray! Bet your kitchen will look great!

  3. I am excited to see your home when it is ready ... :-) Good Luck Wendy!
    Any fun birds visit the feeders?

  4. Decorating is a big job and not something I am good at


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