Saturday, 10 April 2021

A late Friday's Fave Five - 10/4/21


Thanks to our lovely host Susanne (check her out here) for keeping us on track each week.  It's good to look back on the good things from the week.

A little late here I know but maybe it's still Friday somewhere!  It's been a productive week here and so far I'm managing to keep on track with the A-Z Challenge that I'm taking part in for the 7th time.

1)  A quiet Easter.  It was always going to be fairly quiet as we still can't mix indoors and it was a bit chilly for sitting outdoors but we didn't even see the kids we can see as Hubby had a rotten cold.  He was over the worst by the weekend but we still didn't feel we should be seeing others.  Thankfully he's much better now although it's not completely cleared.

2)  Supplementary heaters.  Our central heating stopped working late on the Thursday before the holiday weekend.  We still had hot water but no heating.  Thankfully we have an electric fire in the living room fireplace and a couple of portable electric heaters so we were ok.

3)  Boiler repair in progress.  We managed to get a plumber here on Wednesday who identified the problem and managed to bypass it so we can at least turn the heating on and off manually.  The replacement for the faulty part has been ordered and will be fitted on Tuesday.  And the weather has turned a bit warmer so we're fine.

4)  Progress on other works.  Having sorted out a plumber I've also had someone in to look at the flat roof on the extension to our house this week and had another man in to quote for repairs to the windows at the back of the house.  We need to get these things done before we can think about decorating.

5)  Lots of walking this week with Hubby including a couple of new routes for me.  All just from our house but good to add in a bit of variety.  We even had the treat of seeing baby ducks and some sunshine.

Have a good weekend all.




  1. Oh, what beautiful places you have for walking! And the outdoor season is here!
    Isn't there always something that happens when you move houses? Our microwave died, our roof needs replacing. At least our heater works and we don't need new windows. Best of luck to you getting everything done!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you. Yes I think it's fair to expect a few issues when you move house. Heating all fixed now.

  2. YAY For getting the vaccines and walking outdoors. So lovely, Spring!!
    much luck in getting all of your repairs completed. Enjoy the upcoming week

    1. Thanks Faith. The heating is fixed. Now to get on with the other jobs.


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