Monday 19 April 2021

Life in Lockdown - P is for Procrastination - A-Z Challenge 2021

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter P 

Click here for the A-Z blog to find out more about this challenge. 

Well I have been umming and arring all day about what to write for this letter.  In my original list of ideas I had PPE pencilled in.  I thought I could string at least a few words together about that considering how important it's been during the pandemic.  I mean masks are the new fashion accessory for starters.  I even made some:

I know not everyone is convinced about the wearing of them but I'm happy wearing one when I have to.  It's a small thing considering how hard it's been for medical staff with the amount of PPE they have to wear and constantly change.

There have also been the issues with the procurement of PPE and its quality but I didn't think I wanted to get into a big political debate so PPE bit the dust.  

While trying to think of an alternative it was hard not to see words chosen by other A-Z participants.  Yep of course I was blog surfing on and off during the day.

I almost decided on trying to string something together around Positivity.  After all it's one of the things on my 21 in 21 list  but having looked at the list I realised I'm not doing well with it so far this year so that didn't leave me feeling very positive.

I spent a bit more time dithering and then sat down to watch some TV.  Clearly I've been procrastinating way too long - it's now 11.30 pm and I need to publish a post - I'm determined not to fail this challenge.

So it's P for Procrastination - something I've done a lot of during lockdown!




  1. LOL Wendy, I don't think you're alone on the procrastination train.

  2. Oh my... haven't we all, Wendy!! You know, I must have five or six cloth masks and have hung them up for the disposable ones because I can breathe in the disposable masks. If I wear a cloth one for too long, I start coughing and snorting!! Not good. I like the ones you made. Good job! xo

  3. I think you chose well here Wendy and hit the nail on the head. Where has my ability to make decisions quickly and get things done? Makes me feel a little better knowing I am not the only lockdown ditherer.

  4. Good options, and glad you didn't procrastinate and not write about P


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