Monday, 26 April 2021

Life in Lockdown - V is for Vinny - A-Z Challenge 2021

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter V 

Click here for the A-Z blog to find out more about this challenge.

This is Vinny:


He's the 3rd grandchild I've written about who arrived during lockdown and although last alphabetically after Ella and Miles he was the first to be born back in September 2020.  The 22nd September to be exact, the day we moved house.

We had just seen the removal guys leave and were starting to get straight when I got a call from our son that our DIL had been advised to go in and I was needed to look after big brother Rory.

I though I would have at least a couple of weeks to get the house unpacked but no, Vinny was in a hurry and arrived 3 weeks early weighing 5lb 15oz.  He also developed an infection so although Mum was allowed home after a few days Vinny was kept in the NICU for a bit longer.  He was also jaundiced so that had to be addressed to.

He's a very smiley boy and he loves his big brother Rory, who mostly loves him back.  Of course Vinny's now 7 months old and for a little while now we've been having both boys and their Mummy here on Wednesdays to give Daddy a break as he's working from home.  3 days a week Rory goes to nursery but Mondays and Wednesdays are a challenge with both boys at home in a flat and Daddy's trying to work.  It's getting easier now the weather is improving and restrictions are easing because our DIL can get them out more.

It will be all change in a few weeks when our DIL goes back to work and our son will take 4 months paternity leave.  I think Wednesdays here will continue though.  I hope so - I love being able to see them.  One of the hardest things of lockdown was not being able to see family and of course we're still waiting to see our other son and his family.  Soon....



  1. Cuteness! And gifts of life during these challenging times are precious


  2. He's a cutie! How nice to have some new babies born during a season that needed some joy.

  3. He looks adorable. Like you I am counting the days until I can see my son again.

  4. What a cutie pie! It will be such a relief when we can all gather with our beloveds.

  5. Adorable!! All three of those "boys" are adorable. Hubby sure looks like a very proud grandpa!! Your Vinny is much cuter than my feline Vinny!! Loved seeing your little ones, Wendy! xo


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