Friday, 14 March 2025

Friday's Fave Five - 13/3/25

Well I'm sticking with Spring flowers even though it was very cold again today and Hubby insisted that the rain we had today (Thursday) was more like sleet.  But there are still good things to look back on during the week and then shared at Susanne's site here.

1)  A fun time with our Daughter, DIL and grandkids Nathan and Ella on Saturday - we went bowling and then to a cafe near them for lunch.

It's a long time since I've been bowling and this was reflected in my score lol.  It was a bit hard for Ella (although she had a guide rack and bumpers) but Nathan enjoyed it.  It was a bit noisy even though there wasn't that many people there, certainly not when we arrived anyway but the game itself can be noisy and there were lots of arcade style games & machines there with lots of noises and flashing lights.  A very stimulating experience lol.

Lunch was nice though.  I opted for a jacket potato with tuna and it was huge.

2)  Sunday we spent quite a bit of time helping them clear out their shed.  It's a job we've been meaning to do for ages but it involved taking stuff from the shed at the bottom of the garden and then through the house so we needed a dry day.  We made several trips to the local recycling centre.  It was hard work, and thankfully spiders don't worry me but it was satisfying to get it cleared and swept out so that they can start to use it properly.  Of course the grandchildren wanted attention too so we were there for several hours.

3)  A clean oven.  I must confess my oven was long overdue a thorough clean.  It took a lot of cleaning supplies and elbow grease and, while it's not perfect, it looks so much better.

4)  Daffodils!

I love having them in the house.  I have some on my kitchen window sill and the others are in the living room.  The whole lot were quite cheap in the local supermarket.  They're in full bloom now but hopefully will last for another few days at least.

5)  Book bargains.  Someone on a local Facebook group was getting rid of a lot of paperbacks at just 50p each.  I'd picked out 8 that I thought I'd like and arranged to go and collect them.  I'm trying not to buy books this year but that will now have to be trying not to buy NEW books this year.  It was clear the woman selling them has similar reading tastes to me as she had a lot of books I'd already read but I did get 6 from her (the other 2 I'd picked had already been taken) and one of them has been slotted into a prompt for the reading challenge.  The others have been added to the TBR pile.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. How fun to help out your daughter and her family with the shed project as well as having some fun times with the grands.
    I haven't seen daffodils in my neighbors' yards yet (I only have crocuses and they're JUSt starting to push through) but I've been thinking of buying some at our local florist shop which is set up on a corner of the large market here in town. They always have gorgeous seasonal flowers. Daffodils are so cheerful.
    Glad you scored some books you want to read! I don't buy books unless it's for a class or small group study. I am at the town library every week!
    enjoy the weekend!

    1. Yes I use my library a lot too but can't resist a bargain when it comes to books lol.

  2. A lot of fun here in this post. Books, Flowers and Family. :-)

  3. We go bowling as a family maybe once a year. My score is never very high, but it's a fun outing. Thankfully most of the arcade games are in a separate room. I can get easily overwhelmed in places where there's lots of noise.

    Glad you had a good time with the grandkids! We have a shed that needs cleaning out, too. We've been waiting for dry weather that's not too hot or cold--as well as time when there aren't other things going on.

    Oven cleaning is a hard, messy job, but the results are great.

    Yay for book bargains!

    I had daffodils on my list today, too!

    1. Yes the shed clear out had been on our to do list for a while so glad to have got it done.

  4. I really love those times when I can find books on sale! I have so many on my shelves that I have yet to read but I still get more.
    I can imagine the relief of getting the shed cleaned out. The spiders, though, would bother me.
    I just love daffodils! So cheery and pretty.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. There's not much better than finding books at a book sale! We are borrowing books weekly from the local library, too. Right now, I am reading two CS Lewis books (among others...).
    I love cleaning out places and organizing them although you might not believe that if you saw my house right now. Esp my yarn stash :)
    Daffodils are my favorite flower!! I am waiting excitedly for mine to bloom.


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