2. Have you visited many (or any) of the US Presidents homes, monuments, libraries or related sites? If so what's been your favorite? Are there any you particularly want to see? Here's a link to presidential sites listed by state which is kind of fun to read-Presidential Places by State. And since several bloggers who participate in the HP each week live outside the US, here's a link to Presidential Places Outside the US. Have you seen any of those?
Well we've visited Washington and seen many of the monuments there and I've also seen the Presidential Statues that are in London's Trafalgar Square but looks like I should take a trip to Grosvenor Square to see more.
3. February 20th is National Cherry Pie Day...will you celebrate? Given your choice of cherry pie, cherry cobbler, cheesecake with a cherry topping, or black forest cake which would you choose?
I will absolutely not be celebrating - still trying to lose the extra pounds that went on over Christmas lol.
If I had to choose it would be cheesecake with a cherry topping thank you.
4. Last time you worked a puzzle of some kind? Something that had you puzzled recently?
I am always doing puzzles - I have a subscription to the NYT puzzle section so I Wordle, Crossword, spell etc most days. I'm also a great fan of Japanese style puzzles - Sudoku, Kakuro etc.
I'm also doing this one each day:
I blogged about it here.The Puzzle I find most annoying though is the missing .......(insert any item of clothing as appropriate.) You know it has to be in the house somewhere.........
5. Of the early blooming flowers (January-early March depending on your zone) which one's your favourite?
snowdrops, lenten roses, pansies, violets, snapdragons, reticulated iris, crocus, winter jasmine
I'd have to say snowdrops from that list and maybe crocus, too early for the others
Do you have any of these in your own yard/garden?
No I don't but once daffodils and tulips are in the shops I will buy some to have in the house.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I should have put this for #4.
I love the fact that I can buy postage online and then arrange for a package to be collected. I found a couple of "Where's Wally?" style books that I wanted to send over to the Grandsons so I packaged them up, sorted out the postage and arranged for collection on Monday.
There were 3 of us in the house ALL Day! Yet not one of us heard the postman call at 12.49 pm. How?
Hopefully he'll come today. There's a note by the doorbell!