Friday, 21 February 2025

Friday's Fave Fives - 21/2/25

It's Friday so time to join up with Susanne and other like minded bloggers here as we look back on the good things in the past week.

1)  A family party last Saturday - one of our nieces turned 40 in January and organised a party to celebrate.  It was lovely to see lots of family members.  4 of Hubby's siblings were there and lots of the next generation.

The cousins do love getting together.

This is 17 of the nieces & nephews and 1 great nephew.

and then we squeezed a few partners in.

Not the best pic of the birthday girl with her sister and parents
but she managed to blow out all those candles!

2)  Some quiet days this week - there was no Foodbank as the church floor is being replaced.

3)  The carpenter making the units for our living room contacted us to make arrangements to come next week to fit them.  This is a lot sooner than we expected so it means I'll be able to get the house back to normal before our visitors arrive next month.

4)  Quiet days meant I could work on my blanket.  It still needs the border to be attached (and about a million ends to be woven in) but it's finally assembled.

5)  Dinner at our daughter's today - plus time with the grandkids.

I managed to snap this lovely pic of Ella

Nathan didn't really want to have his picture taken.

Have a good weekend all - it's warmed up here in the last day or so but we've had rain.  My walking/steps stats are suffering lol.

1 comment:

  1. Nice family pictures!!!! My grandson doesn't like to take pictures either. The oldest nephew in our family will be 46! Have a great weekend!


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