Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Wednesday Hodgepodge - 26/2/25

Wednesday means Hodgepodge.  Joyce provides the questions and we link up here.

1. February 26th is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day...have you read a fairy tale lately? What's your favourite fairy tale? Do you believe in 'happily ever after'? 

I haven't read a fairy tale recently.  Need to be more careful with some of them these days as they can actually be a bit scary.

I think we can have "happily ever after" but it will be a different thing to different people.  And even. for example, if you've found your ideal partner life often throws us a curveball.

2. Complete one of the following sentences with a thought relating to your life currently-

  • Once upon a time there was order in my life.  Everything in my house had a home.  Currently it feels that lots of things are not where they are supposed to be and there are LOTS of things that shouldn't even be in my house!
  • A long time ago________________
  • In a place far far away__________

3. Which of the following 'fairy tale foods' is your favourite? Which have you made/eaten most recently? 

porridge/oatmeal (Goldilocks and The Three Bears), an apple (Snow White), a gingerbread cookie (The Gingerbread Man), pumpkin soup/pie/bread (Cinderella), peas (The Princess and the Pea), beans (Jack and The Beanstalk) or a cup of tea (Alice in Wonderland) 

Well I would have to go with cup of tea.  I can't start the day without one.  (Although I have had porridge, an apple, peas and beans recently.)

My daughter once took me for an afternoon tea that was Alice in Wonderland themed.  It was lovely. I thought I'd blogged about it but looking back it was in 2015.  I did take some pictures though.

It was all very yummy!

4. What's your idea of fun? 

Messing about with the Grandkids.

5. Next week's Hodgepodge lands in March. Is that right? I guess so.  Give us one noun, one verb, and one adjective that tell us something about your February. To make you think a little harder, you cannot use the words cold or snowy. 




6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Today we are due to have our new units fitted into our living room.  Once that's done we can start moving things into them and restoring the rest of the house to order.  The time frame of chaos has actually been a lot shorter than we thought it would and to be fair it hasn't really had a big impact on us day to day.  I just hate seeing the house out of order.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right happily ever after is so different for different people.
    Ahh! I want a house where everything is in order too!
    Wow! The afternoon tea looks lovely!
    Good luck, I hope the fitting of the new units goes well.


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