Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Hodgepodge 4/11/15

Wednesday's Hodgepodge is brought to us courtesy of Joyce at 

Pop over there to see other posts and if you want to join in add the link to your Hodgepodge blog post to the Linky List at the end of Joyce's post and don’t forget to visit at least your neighbours on the list.
Have fun!

1. Besides Thanksgiving, something you're looking forward to on your November calendar?
Several things including hearing all about THE honeymoon and attending my niece’s baby shower.
2.  If I gave you a thank you card right now who would you send it to and why?
To friends who organised a get together for one of my colleagues and me last week.
3. Of the breads listed, which one's your favourite...bagel, cinnamon, sourdough, garlic, banana, biscuit, pita, Naan, or plain old fashioned white bread?
I love garlic bread but as we usually have wholemeal bread it’s a real treat to have fresh white bread, preferably with lots of butter.
4. What's something you have in abundance? Is that a good thing?
Family love which is a very good thing.
5. November 5th is National Love Your Red Hair Day. Are there any redheads in your family? Who's your favourite redhead?
No carrot tops but we do have a niece who is a strawberry blonde.  Strangely enough some of my husband’s family were not very positive about the idea of any of us having red headed babies but they seem to have mellowed over time. 
6.  The travel website Busbud recently calculated the most Instagrammed spot in every state. Go here to see what made the list where you live. Are you happy with your state's #1? If not what do you think should be the most photographed spot in your state? Have you snapped a photo there? If you live outside the USA answer as it relates to your state, city or province.
Well no surprise to find that London is the most instagrammed capital city (yes I used the power of google to find the information) but the locations quoted were mainly outdoor spaces such as Battersea Park (#3) and Hyde Park (#1).  I’m sad to say I haven’t actually visited many of them.  I’ll have to add them to my places to see list!  I assumed that it would be monuments such as Buckingham Palace or the Tower of London but I guess it’s natives posting these photos rather than tourists.
7. I'm going to try to have something related to gratitude in this spot each week during the month of November. Here's this week's question-
What's something you've learned about yourself this year that you're grateful for?
That I have more inner strength than I credited myself with.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Maybe I’ll get some red highlights put in next time!


  1. I have always wanted to visit London...hopefully, one day, I can make that happen! Enjoy your day!

  2. Stopping by from the HodgePodge...I agree with you about bread with lots of butter! Oh, I need to go make a loaf soon as I am out of bread. Fresh from the oven is always best! Enjoy your day!

  3. Hurray for family love! I have been to London - loved it and definitely want to go back!

  4. I would have guessed Buckingham Palace to be the Instagram choice for London as well. For me, it would be a Cotswold village. I hope to visit one some day.

  5. We certainly took our share of pics of the traditional spots when we visited London, but that was before I had a smartphone or really used the Internet for social purposes. Is whole meal bread a whole grain type?

  6. Go for the red highlights!! And don't forget to post a photo!! I enjoyed your answers!

  7. enjoyed your gratitude answer.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I would have thought Big Ben! Yay for another Britain based person too. Nice to meet you fellow hodgepodger!

    Hyde Park is definitely worth a visit. Lovely to walk through. I love walking through St James Park too.

  10. You know...When you live somewhere I don't think we tend to go to the "sights" like others from away. There's several places around here I've never been to but get asked about. It seems strange, doesn't it? My son enjoyed the out-of-way places more when he visited England.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog page and for the encouraging words.

  12. Because we've moved so often we tend to see everything in the places we live. We're always a little surprised at the 'locals' who've never seen the most visited spots. (New Yorkers who've never seen the Empire State Bldg,etc). I've got pics of Hyde Park : )

  13. Your November sounds exciting. I'm in love with London. True, we often find that we have strength we didn't think we had until we go through things that prove it to us. Have a nice weekend.


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