Tuesday 26 September 2017

Review: Wind/ Pinball: Two Novels

Wind/ Pinball: Two Novels Wind/ Pinball: Two Novels by Haruki Murakami
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Difficult to categorise this book and I wonder, given that Murakami seems to be an acclaimed writer, whether I totally missed the point. Maybe the books suffer from being translated (they were written in English, translated into Japanese and then translated back into English).

Both stories seem to just amble along never really going anywhere with not a lot happening. Maybe the intention is that you should just go along for the ride but I like my rides to be a bit more interesting.

This was my library's Reading Group choice which I've just started attending. I like to be challenged so it was good in that way but I won't be rushing to seek out any of his other works.

View all my reviews


  1. Interesting! Reading Groups/Book Clubs always seem to find different and interesting books to read.

    1. I'm not sure interesting applied to these Terri lol but yes I have read things I wouldn't usually read.

  2. I have to admire you for finishing the books. I would be tempted to give up.

    1. Thanks. I hate giving up on books that I'm reading for a challenge/book group but very occasionally if I've picked a book myself and I don't like it I'll give up.

  3. Thank you for the review. I also would have been tempted to give up. Good for you to finish.


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