Monday 7 October 2024

Monday mutterings - 7/10/24

This was probably me first thing this morning - we had an early start but that means there is time to:

Why an early start? We both had our flu jab appointments this morning.  We only had to get to our local GP so it wasn't that bad - it's a 10 minute walk away and we were seen as soon as we got there.

Back home I've put some washing on and we've watched an episode of a programme we're watching together and I've posted some cards - just catching the postman who'd emptied the postbox that's about 20 yards from our house!  In the past I've seen it being emptied late in the afternoon but the routine must have changed.  Anyway he took my cards so they are now winging their way to various people.

My eldest brother and one of my cousins both have birthdays this week.  My best friend's middle daughter had a baby boy last week so a card for her.  But also a card for my friend as her Dad passed away last week.  He was 93 so a good age and he had only been unwell for a short period of time.  Still hard though for her.

I've also booked a routine blood test online and it's not even lunch time yet lol.

We had a quiet day yesterday but on Saturday we visited Chingford for this:

Quite a few of the cafes along the main street had artwork on display and there were also exhibits in the meeting rooms in the station.

It made a nice change and we had lunch in one of the cafes that Hubby particularly likes.

We also browsed the charity shops while we were there and, although I do not need books, these somehow found their way home with me lol.

Not sure when I'll get around to reading them - I'm already a bit behind on my reading of David Copperfield this month but I'm sure I'll catch up!  Somehow.

And then there are squares to be knitted for the homeless.  I've done a few but I'm not the fastest knitter in the world.  Every one helps though right?  There is an organisation that collects them and makes them into blankets so our knitting group are making some at the moment.  Last week we took part in a Reuse and Repair Fair at a local school where we spent the afternoon knitting and chatting - they kindly provided lunch for us too.

But of course I should be doing some housework - my son and his family are coming at the weekend so I need to put the warmer duvets on the beds - it's bright and sunny today but chilly.  I'd best get on.


  1. Hi Wendy, I hope you had a great weekend with family.

  2. We got our flu shots a little early this year as I wanted it done before the flight to the UK. Those long flights feel like they hold a lot of germs lol. Hope you have a nice week!

  3. I got my flu shot and covid booster last month. We can get ours at the pharmacy with no appointment so that makes it easy to do here. I would have enjoyed the art trail! Looks like you found a few good books! It is always good to catch up with you here.

  4. You sound like a very busy lady! A lot done in a short amount of time. I haven't gotten my flu shot yet but going to get a shingles vaccine first. I came down with that nasty thing a year ago and I NEVER want to go through that again! Have a great week.


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