Friday 4 October 2024

Friday's Fave Five - 4/10/24

It's Friday again so time to look back on the week and remember the things I'm grateful for.  Our host Susanne reminds us to do this each week - her blog can be found here.

1)  Firstly I'm grateful that, despite having had a lot of rain this past week, I do not live in an area that is likely to be in the path of a storm like Helene.  I cannot imagine what it must be like for those who were, the devastation is dreadful.  I haven't followed it too closely - watching any news is quite depressing at the moment, but I hope that none of my blogging friends have been badly affected.

2)  Today we had sunshine.  It's a lot cooler and the leaves are dropping, definitely autumn, but the blue sky and sunshine were uplifting.

3)  Books, another favourite of my things to be grateful for.  A new one arrived by mail today as part of the subscription I was gifted by my daughter and DIL and the library had one that I'd reserved ready for me.

4)  Time with my daughter and her family this week as they celebrated Rosh Hashanah. (Jewish New Year)  My DIL made a lovely meal - we had lots of sweet things and afterwards I helped put the grandkids to bed.  

5)  Another grandson turned 4:

 Miles loves beans on toast!

He and his brother Noah also love jumping in muddy puddles!  My son sent me this pic today plus a couple of videos of them jumping in the puddles.  They are both in a right mess but the enjoyment they had was (hopefully) worth all the muddy clothing, boots and boys!

Have a good weekend all.


  1. After a lot of rain we have also sunshine now but it is far too cold for the season 3° in the morning and not more then 15 in the afternoon, but the trees are still green and no leaves are falling ! Your grandchildren are growing ! I wonder what Toby would say to eat red beans on a toast ! Now that he is 13 we can have real conversations, but it is a difficult age for him, he is so tall 1.95 m but his face is still a "baby face" with a deep voice !

  2. We talked a lot about Rosh Hashanah in the school where I work. Happy birthday to your grandson! My grandson will be 8 later this month. It goes so very quickly. I wish it would slow down a bit.

  3. What is it about jumping in puddles that is so much fun (and such a mess)?! I catch myself wanting to stomp in one now and then, even at my ripe old age! LOL I enjoyed your post, Wendy, and thank you for your kind thoughts on those affected by Helene. The devastation is beyond imagination. That storm became a beast so fast that many didn't have time to evacuate. You think it will just be a Cat 1 or 2 and all of a sudden, it makes landfall at a Cat 4. I agree that the news is depressing and I also avoid it. Loved the photos of your little guys!! Happy weekend! xo

  4. My middle son loved jumping in puddles when he was young. Happy birthday to Miles! I think today is the first sunshiny day we've had in a week--looks and feels so good. Books are good faves--fun to get new ones!

  5. I love that last photo. We always said, the dirtier the child, the better time they had.
    Happy Birthday to Miles!
    Sunshine after rain is always lovely. A perfect combination for growing the garden.
    Books! always a fave.
    Have a good week!


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