Wednesday 2 October 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - 2/10/24

Woohoo I'm doing a Hodgepodge.  This is hosted by Joyce here where you can find full details, including who else is playing along.  Thank you Joyce.

1. Hey, it's October...what's one fun thing on your October calendar? 
Well I'm hoping to meet up with my "Ladies who Lunch" group this month and there is a visit to my brother and his wife planned too.

2. Thursday is National Poetry Day (first Thursday in October) you like to read poetry? If so, what's a favourite poem, or whose poetry do you especially enjoy? 

Nope not a great reader of poetry although I did read it more as a child - I still have a couple of books with my stash of children's books.

3. Tell us about something you've seen recently that could be described as 'poetry in motion'. 

Hmm that would probably be the squirrel managing to get food out of the supposedly squirrel proof bird feeders!

4. What's one song on your autumn playlist? Do you have an autumn playlist? If not, pretend you do. If yes, then feel free to share more than one. 

I am rubbish when it comes to music.  If I do have the radio on it's probably a news programme I'm listening to not music.  I do play music when I walk but it's just a random selection from Spotify that's entitled "Walking Music".  It works for me because it keeps a steady reasonably fast walking tempo.

5. Share a quote that inspires you this time of year especially. 

Again I'm not great at quotes.  Keep calm and carry on is probably a mantra I try and follow but more recently I decided I should Just Beam as in Be A Madeleine.  Madeleine was my SIL who died recently and she was a great example to all of us on how to cope with terminal illness but also how to live your life.  She was good at making sure those who needed them got visits and keeping people on track.  She could strike up conversations with anyone and make them feel listened to.  Definitely a people person and a great believer in paying it forward.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

And another Grandson turns 4

Miles loves beans on toast so his birthday tea was beans on toast with sausages.  I am assured though that the cake tasted a lot sweeter than it looks.  My DIL is a saint making all those "beans"! 


  1. Oh wow that cake is amazing! Some people are so creative. Happy birthday to your little guy!

  2. I love the beans on toast birthday cake!

  3. That cake is brilliant! How fun!! I enjoyed your post, Wendy. I'm so far behind and have just decided to stop trying to read through over 50 blogs in my reader. Checking in with those who comment on mine. Hugs!

  4. Hi, oh that smile!!! What a cute Birthday boy!!
    That CAKE... how fun and creative.

  5. I think my answers would be so similar to yours. What a great birthday cake.


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