Friday 18 September 2020

Friday's Fave Five - 18/9/20


Well I'm taking 5 (ish) minutes out of my busy schedule to note the things I'm thankful for this week.  Thanks to our host Susanne for reminding us to be mindful each week, especially at times like these when things are so busy, unsettled and scary.  You can join in here

1)  A catch up with some friends.  Our ladies lunches have been on hold with all the Covid restrictions but we met up last Saturday in my friend Mary's garden.  Each of the other 3 provided a course.  Mary insisted I had enough to do without worrying about cooking so I took wine!  It was lovely to have a catch up and we chatted for hours over a lovely lunch.

2)  Time with Nathan & his Mummies on Sunday.  Yes we're in the middle of packing up the house but sometimes you just have to make time for family.

3)  A hubby that cooks.  Yes that crops up here a lot but this week it's been even more of a life saver.  We had our usual 2 days with Rory and in between it's pack, pack, pack or deal with the admin involved with moving and I could not have coped with organising food as well.  Well I did organise the food in that I loosely planned what we'd have taking into account the need to empty the freezer etc but then hubby did the rest so that each night I've sat down to a good meal.  And he's even done most of the clearing up.  Usually whoever cooks gets out of the clear up but not this week.

4)  I found some earrings!  I lost one of a pair of gold earrings quite a while ago.  I knew it was in the house and I was pretty certain it was in my bedroom but it never turned up.  Anyway I kept the other one in the hope one day I'd find the missing half of the pair and yesterday I did!  I was ridiculously pleased at that lol.

5)  A new chapter in our lives.  This time next week (barring any last minute disasters) we will be in our new home.  It's taken a while to get to this point and at the moment I'm exhausted but I know it's all been worthwhile.  It will be sad to say goodbye to this house, after 28 years, but it's time.  We're in the Grandparenting phase of our lives now and our new house is much more child friendly than this one.  (It's also more friendly to us as we get older lol.)   

Well I think my 5 minutes are up.  Apologies if I don't get around to visiting your posts this week or leaving comments.  I know you'll understand.  Hopefully our internet should be up and running the day after we move in.  Fingers crossed!

Have a good weekend all.


  1. It seems you are going through the same adventure I did a few weeks ago ! But once it's over you will enjoy it ! I am finally done slowly slowly everything is in place. Yesterday I sold my car because where we live now we don't need 2 cars we have everything around on walking distance. R. went to the dentist yesterday by lift, he is on the first floor !!!

  2. Good luck with the move!! I hope to hear all about it in a week or so!! Love & hugs!

  3. Oh yes, I totally understand the pack, pack, pack. And don't worry about not visiting around this week--you've enough to do. I will tell you here that we found a home to purchase! We'll be doing the unpack, unpack, unpack in about a month.

  4. A lot of work but so exciting! I think you are wise taking the occasional little break otherwise it's all very overwhelming. How wonderful you were able to do your ladies lunch. I miss those times. Yay for not having to worry about cooking. That is a big blessing. Have a great moving week! May everything go smoothly and quickly!


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