Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Just Jot it January 23/1/24 - Stoked

Our prompt today is  courtesy of Nicole.  She blogs here Nicole’s blog .

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 23rd, 2024 is “stoked.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun! - and for more participants, rules etc go here to host Linda's blog.

Well my understanding of the word stoked was:

"to add fuel to a large fire and move the fuel around with a stick so that it burns well and produces a lot of heat"

I haven't done a lot of that - we have central heating.

However, I have also discovered it can be used to mean "to be excited or very happy about something".

Well there have been lots of times like that in my life - wedding day, having kids, their wedding days, grandchildren, passing my driving test on my first attempt at 17 (minimum age in the UK) to name just a few.  Although I don't think I've ever said I was stoked!  Not sure at my age my kids would think it acceptable lol.


  1. I am familiar with the word but like you I can't remember ever using it but then I probably did as a child when we had a coal fire that needed stoking.

    1. My grandparents had a coal fire but our first home I remember had gas fires.


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