Thursday 30 July 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge 29/7/15

Wednesday's Hodgepodge is brought to us courtesy of Joyce at 

Pop over there to see other posts and if you want to join in add your blog post to the Linky List at the end of Joyce's post.

Have fun!

1.  I recently read here about four secrets to happiness from around the world. They were-
Overcome your fears by facing them head on, allow yourself to relax and reset, work to live versus living to work, and find the good in life. Not sure if these are the actual secret to happiness, but which of the four do you struggle with most? Which one comes most easily to you?
Well until recently I was struggling with all of those apart from the last one.  However having made the difficult decision to quit my job I’m doing much better.  I’ve definitely done some relaxing and reset myself.  I’m not working at present and have decided that if I do look for work in the future I’ll be looking for something less stressful and shorter hours.  Being more relaxed means I don’t get wound up about things like I used to.  I have a longer fuse.  As for overcoming fears, that’s a work in progress.
2. How would you spend a found $20 bill today?
I’d probably donate it to charity.  I wouldn’t want to gain from someone else’s loss but if I won it on the lottery I’d treat myself, probably to chocolates and a bottle of wine.
3. Ego trip, power trip, guilt trip, round trip, trip the light fantastic, or trip over your own two feet...which 'trip' have you experienced or dealt with most recently? Explain.
Well I tripped over my own feet last week.  The bruises and scrapes are almost healed.
4. If you could master any physical skill in the world what would it be, and how would you use that skill? 
Hmm that’s a hard one.  Can I settle for having perfect vision again?  Glasses are a pain sometimes and I’ve never wanted to cope with contact lenses.  Or maybe I should just master contact lenses!
5. As July draws to a close, let's take inventory of our summer fun. Since the official first day of (North American) summer (June 20th) have you...been swimming? enjoyed an ice cream cone? seen a summer blockbuster? camped? eaten corn on the cob? gardened? deliberately unplugged? watched a ballgame? picked fruit off the vine? taken a road trip? read a book?  Are any of these activities on your must-do-before-summer-ends list?
Our summer break starts later in the UK as far as schools are concerned but I feel like I’ve been on holiday for a while now and I’ve done some gardening and read a few books and generally relaxed.  We’ll be taking part in an extended family holiday towards the end of August but this year we’re looking forward to taking a proper holiday in September when kids are back at school and prices will be cheaper as this is the first time we’ve been able to do that in a very long time.
6. The Republican Presidential candidates will debate on August 6th. What's your question?
Pass.  I’d struggle to work out a question for the prospective UK Labour Party Leader contenders let alone US politicians.
7. What's your most listened to song so far this summer?
I don’t actually listen to music that much so again it’s a pass.
8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I really should listen to more music!


  1. Music is good for resetting and relaxing, just sayin!

    Hope your scrapes and bruises are fully healed soon.

  2. Happy to hear that you summer has been relaxing for you! I watch a lot of movies at home and I'm usually on my computer so I have a tendency to like the soundtracks to movies. Have a nice holiday in September.

  3. This meme thing sounds fun, Wendy. I might give it a try sometime. I would have to look up those Republican party candidates though. I know about Trump and one of the Bushes but that's about it. I have no idea who the others might be. But I definitely think they should face questions from the international community!

    I hope you are feeling better after your fall:)


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