Saturday, 10 October 2015

Friday Five News 9/10/15

I think I might have to start doing this as Saturday Six news as getting it done for Fridays continues to be difficult.  I was helping out at my MIL's yesterday so I didn't have time to get this finished and ready for posting.

But here goes:

In INTERNATIONAL  news I spotted this short video clip of a 30 lane traffic jam (yes THIRTY) of cars returning to Beijing after a national holiday.  Makes coping with 4 lane stretches of the M25 look like a walk in the park!

LOCAL  news continues to focus on Jeremy Corbyn’s views on certain things that have little bearing on actual politics.  The latest speculation is about whether he will bow before the Queen and kiss her hand when he takes up his position in the privy council.  These sorts of stories sell newspaper but it does distract from things that really matter.

Moving on to SPORT: I’m not really following the Rugby World Cup but it would be impossible not to be aware that England, the host nation, have been knocked out in the first part of the competition.  Just a tad embarrassing!

In ENTERTAINMENT   I noticed that apparently Justin Bieber’s latest hit has gone back to #1 in the charts for the third time.  This makes me feel old.  I wouldn’t recognise a Bieber song if he was standing in front of me singing it!

And finally MISCELLANEOUS: This is an article on “The lost art of getting lost” and I think vindicates my continued use of maps and working out directions rather than relying on all the latest technology.  “We're raising an entire generation of men who will never know what it is to refuse to ask for directions.”  I know how stubborn men like that can be.  But again it is definitely a generation thing.  My hubby would fall into that category.  My sons would just whip out their smart phones!

All links are courtesy of the BBC website. Opinions are my own.

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