Friday 17 August 2018

Friday's Fave Five - 17/8/18

Friday is the day for looking back over the week to remember things to be grateful for.  It's hosted by Susanne over at Living to Tell the Story.  Pop over there to find other participants and all the guidelines for posting.

Here are mine for this week:

1)  Cooler weather and rain.  The heat of recent weeks has been unbearable at times but this week it's been much cooler and we've had much needed rain.  The garden is looking better.

2)  Online shopping!  I have a couple of sets of small drawers from IKEA that I want to put in the room I'm now referring to as Hubbies Den.  It was a bedroom but I want it to be more multi purpose and for him to have his office stuff in there.  My plan is to use the drawers for things like staples, paperclips and various other office supplies but I know that hubby will need to know what's in the drawers. 

IKEA MOPPE mini chest of drawers 
So I managed to source some label holders online, ordered them and they arrived today.  I love it when things like that come together.

3)  Ladies lunch today with my former work colleagues.  It's been a few weeks since we got together so we had lots to catch up on.

4) Recipes that worked!  It was my turn to host the lunch so I did a chicken dish I hadn't done before.  (Chicken cooked in a creamy sauce flavoured with mustard and with mushrooms and leeks.)  Easy to do and it tasted delicious so I'll be making it again.  Plus pannecotta with a raspberry sauce for dessert.  I'd never made that before and I was a bit nervous about using gelatine but they set nicely and tasted great. But....I forgot to take pictures!  There was enough leftover for hubby's dinner and he gave them a thumbs up too.

5)  No good week is complete without Grandchildren time.
We caught up with Rory last Sunday.  He is becoming much more smiley.
And Nathan is doing lots more "cruising" and loves this song

Needless to say the novelty has worn a bit thin for me lol.  But his excitement at it is just adorable to watch.

Have a good weekend all.



  1. The rain is a welcome break from all that heat. Nathan loves that song.

  2. OMGOSH!!!! I used that exact same song EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR OUR 2 WEEKS of learning about OCEAN ANIMALS this summer. The preschoolers LOVED it...even the autistic children focused on that song. SO fun!! And he is a cutie pie!!

    Glad you got some rain....we have had a LOT of rain here in New York but it hasn't cooled down at all...this past week has been horribly humid with temps hovering around 87 degrees during the afternoon. I'm ready for temps in the 70s and humidity at less than 60%. haha!!

    happy weekend!

  3. Well, he is adorable enjoying that song but I had to stop it when it got to grandma shark! Oh my goodness!! Rory is also adorable! Lunch with former work-mates is always fun and your meal sounds yummy!

  4. We have one teacher at the family care center where I work who loves this song and plays it quite often. The children love it and her...I love her but the song...not so much.

  5. Pannecotta is one of my favourite desserts.How wonderful that you made it.Your chicken dish sounds great, too. What a brave and wonderful idea to serve something you've never made before.Too often I get in a rut. I like your style!

    Yes, every week is so much better with grandchildren time. Your kiddos all look happy. I never heard of the Baby Shark song and will be sharing that with my grands.

    I am mainly an online shopper now. It looks like you got just the things you wanted/needed. It is great when a plan comes together.

    So glad your weather is cooler this week. Our's isn't. But I keep reminding myself that before I know it, it will be cold.

    BTW - I have forbidden myself to look at anymore of your book reviews this year. I have reserved many (at the library).At least I need to wait until I have read the mountain of books I have in my house.

    Have a great week.

  6. I enjoyed your faves. I'm always nervous too when I try a new recipe and the nervousness doubles if I'm making it for others. Rory is adorable! I like the shelves.

  7. I love reading this. Rory is adorable!

  8. Your grandsons are so cute! I love Nathan's enthusiasm!
    I do love me an organized office space (and everything else organized, too!)
    Have a great week and get more grandson time.

  9. I used to have a set of those Ikea drawers. They were great for holding office supplies.

  10. Your little grands are so cute. I am going to make some changes to my office at home, but will probably need to wait until after the holidays. Too many other projects going on here this year. Hope you're doing well!

  11. Nathan made me smile as he grooved away to the song. Your recipes sound delicious! I've been debating taking a twin bed out of the spare room and making more of an office out it too.

  12. So sweet!!! I am sending prayers and hugs to you my friend.


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