Friday, 24 January 2025

Friday's Fave Five - 24/1/25

It's Friday!  Time to share our blessings of the week and link up with Susanne and other like minded bloggers here.

Here are my five:

1)  A trip to a Wool Show last Sunday with members of the Knit & Natter group.  We had a lovely time browsing lots of stalls in a hotel venue not too far from here.  Afterwards we all went for a Sunday Roast dinner at a local pub.  I bought myself a sock pattern plus a pattern for a jumper and the wool to make it.  I just have to get my squares blanket finished first!

2)  We managed to get the plumber to look at our boiler and it's going to be replaced on Sunday so hopefully that will be the end of showers going cold on us.

3)  A knit and natter session on Wednesday. Always nice to meet up and get some knitting done.  I managed to sew quite a few more squares together for the blanket.

4)  The house is looking a bit more normal with the Grandkids toys back downstairs and we've found a carpenter to make the fitted units for the living room so progress being made.

5)  Thankful that I'm retired and can spend time going through the books on my TBR pile and allocate some to the prompts for the book challenge I'm doing.  I've managed to fill nearly half of the prompts and I've also ordered some books from the library for a few more.  I'm also thankful for reading time.

The weekend will probably be quiet although the plumbers will be here most of Sunday.  Hopefully we won't get too cold while the work is being done!

Have a good weekend all.

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  1. Your thankful lists are always good reading, Wendy! Would love to see your knitting projects! I could never master the knitting needles! Have a good weekend!!

  2. I love knitting although I don't do much of it now. I've never knitted socks though.

  3. This is a great list of favorites. It sounds like you'll be very busy creating some lovely things!

  4. The wool show and dinner out sounds fun. I'm glad your boiler (which sounds like our hot water heater?) will be fixed. This is not a good time to run out of hot water before finishing a shower!


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