Friday 25 March 2022

Friday's Fave Five - 25/3/22

It's Friday!  Phew this week seems to have flown by.  That's why it's good to follow Susanne's lead (over at Living to Tell the Story) and pause for a bit and think about the good things from the last week.  It's hard when there are such awful things going on in the world but that makes it even more important to find some positives in our lives.

Here are mine:

1.  More walking!  I've been down to the lake a couple of times this week and will be going again after I've done this post.  I'm still not going very far but I've definitely increased the frequency.

2.  Lovely spring weather.  It has been sunny and warm the last few days.  Bright sunshine is such a mood lifter.

3.  Ladies Lunch!  Long time readers will know that a group of myself and 3 former work colleagues regularly meet for what we refer to as a Ladies Lunch.  Prior to the pandemic we used to do it about once a month and would take it in turns to be the host.  Well of course the pandemic and lock downs put paid to that and although we did still manage to meet up - distanced walks first then eventually in coffee shops we hadn't done one in our homes in what seemed forever!  Well when we were sadly all together recently for the funeral of one "Lady's" husband we all agreed we needed to get back into the swing of lunches  again.  So yesterday I hosted them at my house.  We didn't have anything fancy - the only cooking I did was to heat up a couple of things in the oven but it was so nice just to be able to sit and relax and catch up with one another.  The weather was warm enough for us to eat outside.

4.  Takeaway evening with our son and DIL.  On Wednesday we had grandson Vinny for the day as usual but our son and DIL invited us to stay at their house when we dropped Vinny home and have a takeaway dinner with them.  This was lovely as it meant we also got to see grandson Rory when he got back from nursery and then, when the boys had gone to bed, after Nanny had read their bedtime story, we were able to relax and actually chat with Michael and Liz.  So often when we see each other it's with the children so it's hard to have a proper chat.

It was bath night!

Ready for bed

5.  Online shopping AND delivery.  It's been a busy week as we also had granddaughter Ella here on Tuesday while her Mummies were working but I needed to shop for a new car seat (these grandchildren will keep growing!) and a birthday present for Grandson Nathan.  I really wasn't looking forward to trekking out to a big shopping centre but I was able to get what I needed online and for a small delivery fee (which is probably less the parking and petrol costs) they will be delivered this evening.

I can't believe Nathan will be 5 next week and that also signifies the end of March.  What?  No!  I'd like to say I've also managed to get my A-Z challenge posts scheduled to post but so far all I've done is set up the posts for the right days etc but there is no content in them yet!  I may regret deciding to do the challenge lol.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. So glad you got to spend some "extra" time with your son, DIL and grands. It's great that you are meeting up with friends again and hosting them in your home. We are also doing more of that. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  2. What is an A-Z Challenge??

    How fun to spend the evening with your grands and then get to chat with your son and his wife.

    I love getting out in the sunshine to walk. the sun ended up coming out today! yay!! Yesterday it rained so this past week we actually had FIVE sunny days!!

    Happy weekend

  3. Gosh, Nathan will be FIVE!! Oh my goodness, where does the time go? I'm glad you are getting back together with your former work-mates! I loved my time with mine after retirement. Now they have all moved away (and one died). Enjoy them!! Have a lovely weekend! xo

  4. What fun to meet up with your former co-workers. Isn't it wonderful to enjoy people's company in HOMES again?
    I can't believe Nathan is FIVE! Happy Birthday to him!
    Walking in familiar places like your lake can be relaxing and enjoyable (I mentioned that in my FFF, too)
    Have a great weekend!

  5. We also have wonderful spring weather ! I am really a lazy walker and prefer to sit outside ! Lunch group doesn't exist anymore, since the painting course closed. One lives too far away, Nicole has the brain cancer, the third didn't want to anymore and one has found her love in Egypt with an Egyptian who lives in Belgium 15 km from her home ! And they met in "my" hotel in Hourghada isn't that funny. 11 year old Toby doesn't want to come to Waterloo when his friend is not available I can understand it's boring for him and I don't want that he sees Rick now, we rather want that he keeps him in mind as he was on Christmas.

  6. How fun to be able to spend time with the grandkids. We don't have any yet, which truthfully doesn't bother me. I am hoping to get the A to Z posts at least in the draft folder this weekend myself. So unprepared this year!

    Janet’s Smiles

  7. So nice to see Spring mentioned in FFF. It sounds like we are all getting a good dose of it. The photo of Nathan is so cute! and I can't believe how fast these grands can grow. Nice to have the 'grownup' time with our kids, too, isn't it?

  8. This whole month seems to have flown by. I agree, sunshine is such a mood lifter. And spring blossoms and buds lighten my heart. That's so neat that you had some extended time with your grandkids as well as time to chat with your son and DIL. How fun to host ladies in your house again. I was just thinking of talking to my husband about maybe starting to have people over again. Good for you for keeping up with the walking! I *love* online shopping and delivery.

  9. Hello,
    How fun, family, friends and getting outside.
    Happy Spring!!


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