Friday, 10 January 2025

Friday's Fave Five - 10/1/25

Firstly I'm thankful for Susanne who blogs here for reminding us each week to look back and find the things we're grateful for.  

My favourite five this week are:

1)  Having lots of space in our house - we have decorators in repainting the hallway and stairs, plus our living room which has meant a LOT of stuff has had to be relocated to other rooms in the house.  

Lots of display cabinet items relocated.

The spare room full of toys, records, photo albums and a whole lot more!

A temporary coat rack.

Units that hopefully the British Heart Foundation charity will collect on Monday and be  able to sell in one of their shops.

Temporary arrangement for the TV stereo, etc.  We're planning on having made to measure cupboards built into this space.

2)  Reliable decorators.  They've finished the hall and stairs and have now made a start in the living room but they always tidy up after themselves and although they moved things around in the living room today they've put things straight so that we can still use the room over the weekend.  

3)  A safe journey to and from Bristol on Monday for a memorial service.  I wrote about it here.

4)  Despite the cold weather (not sure it got above freezing point today)  I've managed to do a couple of walks around the lake area.  

We had a lot of rain last weekend so it is VERY muddy there at the moment.  

Wellies (waterproof boots) are essential!

5)  New books for Christmas - I've just finished my first read of 2025.  The review is here.

Have a good weekend all.  We're going to our daughter's house for dinner on Sunday so that will give us a chance to see the grandchildren - our house is definitely off limits to them right now!


  1. How wonderful to have decorators in for a new paint job!

  2. How fun to hire people to paint! I have done all the painting in every room of this house my self along with the stenciling. We did hire decorators to install the bamboo and stone/tile flooring though when we upgraded what the builders gave us. It must feel so good to get a re-do!! I know I always love it.
    I'm on my 2nd book of the year but it will be my 3rd review as I had started one in Dec but finished it the first week of January. I love to read.
    Have a blessed weekend with your grandchildren

  3. Thanks for that book review, Wendy. I ordered the book for my Kindle. It will be next on my reading list. I noticed that it is book 1 of 3 so perhaps there will be two more good ones, too! It's nice that your workmen tidy up and left you with your TV and some comfort in the living room for your weekend.

  4. How exciting to have a freshly painted house. Moving things is such a great opportunity to purge and straighten up. I'm glad you have a good crew to work with!

  5. I love getting books for Christmas! I'm glad you were able to get out and walk. My husband is painting the hallway, and we had pictures from the walls in my sewing room and the contents of the linen closet in the guest bedroom. The kitchen/dining area is next, so I am sure we'll have stuff stored all over the house. It's nice the decorators are neat and considerate. Glad you had a safe trip!

  6. We had our house also renovated after I don't know how many years, I remember well in what a mess we lived ! Fortunately we were only the two of us our son was in boarding school and disappeared during the weekends to see his friends ! But once it's done you will be happy ! We have the same weather as you and my car was stuck in the mud. It had been dry there, but then it rained for 3 days. As the weather is so bad I started to use the sport room and each day I bike ! Yesterday (second day) I managed 2 km !!)

  7. Home renovations are not for the weak of heart! You're almost done.
    Yes, wellies are the only solution to all the mud. When I have visited UK in rainy season, I always bring my Hunter's.
    Walks are good, even in the cold cold weather.
    I will look for that book. Right now I am reading a British Library Crime Classic: These Names Make Clues by ECR Lorac.
    Have a good week.

  8. Your home will look so fresh when the painters are done! But oh my, the upheaval it must be. It's wonderful that the painters are so conscientious about cleaning up after themselves. Stay warm!

  9. That's nice ! you will have a new house ! I remember when we had everything repainted and changed I was so happy ! It seems that you have the same weather then we have ! Terrible, it rains it's cloudy and grey and cold just a funeral weather ! Fortunately I was busy and now because I can't go out (to humid) I started with biking ! Each day I do 15 min and meanwhile reached 2 km ! Toby probably laughed (inside) but praised me and told me to keep going! As a Dutchman he was born with a bike !


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