Tuesday, 7 January 2025

#JusJoJan - 7/1/25 - Pernickety

Today, the prompt is courtesy of our lovely Ritu. Thank you, Ritu! You can visit Ritu’s blog to read her posts and say hello. 

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 7th, 2025 is “pernickety.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Pernickety or:

"placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy."

My husband is definitely pernickety.  He of course would argue that he is not.

But ask him how he likes the bedclothes.  Or maybe not.  It proves my point though.

Going back to yesterday the prompt for which was invigorating supplied by me.  I did a very quick post the night before, on my phone, because I knew that yesterday was going to be a very long tiring day.

We went to Bristol for the Memorial Service of the ex-husband of Hubby's sister that died last year.  Yes a bit strange to be going to a service for someone that we hadn't really had much contact with following the divorce but we went to support our niece and nephew who have now lost both their parents in the space of 3 months.  They are 20 and 18 so a lot for them to be dealing with.

Google maps said that the journey could typically take anything from 3 hours to 4 1/2 hours.  Obviously we played it safe and allowed ourselves the maximum time and we arrived with 20 minutes to spare.  We had to get across London first, no easy feat, and then it was a reasonably straight forward motorway drive.  Of course there were a few (ok lots) of toilet stops on the way.  

But it was a nice service and the kids appreciated that we had made the effort to be there.  We also took one of Hubby's sisters with us and although there weren't lots of people there were certainly enough.

The journey home was definitely quicker but by the time we'd taken Hubby's sister home it was after 7 by the time we got back to our home.  I was exhausted as I'd done nearly all the driving.  Thankfully Hubby made a quick dinner and then I was thinking about bed.  I slept a lot better than the previous night.  Am I the only one who, when I have to get up much earlier than usual, doesn't sleep well?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy,
    I am glad you were able to be there for your family. Golly, that is hard to loose your parents so young. I am happy they have support.
    High Fives to you for doing all the driving, that is stressful too. Here in America we have more road rage and people not paying attention (on their phones while driving) making driving a real TASK these days.


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