Saturday, 25 January 2025

#SoCS / #JusJoJan 25/1/25

Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 25th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “in line.” Use it any way you’d like! Enjoy!  These are provided by Linda and you can find out all the details on how to join in here.

I am currently waiting in line for 5 books at the library.  I love my library.  I use it a lot and I love being able to order books in, especially when I'm working on a challenge and need something specific.

I'm working on a 52 book challenge that has prompts ranging from easy ones such as a "Book starting with the letter M" to ones that are more complex such as "Non-human antagonist".  (Although thanks to my DIL I have that one sorted.)

Yesterday I laid out all my TBR books in line on my bed and tried to match them to the lists of prompts where I could and I probably have about 24 that work.  After that I worked out a few more that would work and ordered them from the library.  For all of them I'm first in line but they're coming from various libraries so hopefully they won't all arrive at once!

I'm currently 4 down, 48 to go.  


  1. Looks like you're right on schedule...

  2. WOW. That/this is going to be impressive, smiles. Have a great day, Wendy.

  3. That's quite a goal and you are off to a good start!!


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