Hodgepodge is brought to us courtesy of Joyce at
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1. Have you ever been fishing? Did you catch a fish? If
so did you keep it or throw it back? If you haven't been fishing is that
something you'd like to try?
Not proper fishing no and it’s not something I want to
try. I’d definitely be throwing them
back but I’d prefer to just enjoy the peace and quiet with a book.
Fish out of water, big fish in a small pond, living in a fishbowl, packed in
like sardines, this is a fine kettle of fish, plenty of fish in the sea, fish
or cut bait...which fishy phrase most recently applies to some area of your
I definitely think I’m a small fish in a big pond!
2. What's something you're always fishing for in your purse, wallet,
desk, or kitchen junk drawer?
Keys in my purse – they always seem to disappear into a corner. I don’t have a kitchen junk drawer – when we
redid the kitchen we opted for no drawers.
It was a challenge at first but it works for us.
3. Your favourite fish tale or movie?
As a child my parents would often take me to the fair when it came on
holidays. I can remember winning a
goldfish on one of the stalls. It came
in a clear plastic bag. We travelled
home on the bus and at some point the fish was jolted out of the bag. Somehow we managed to retrieve it and it
actually survived.
4. Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Explain
why you chose your answer.
Twilight and night I guess. I’m not an
early riser and I’m often doing things late in the evening and then reading
into the night.
5. What's the oldest piece of clothing you own and
still wear?
Well I am counting shoes in with clothing and I have a pair of trainers I feel
like I’ve had forever. But they are
still in fairly good shape and so comfortable.
I wear them when I’m walking if it’s a bit on the wet/muddy side.
6. We've got one more month of (officially) winter here in the Northern
hemisphere. Are you feeling the need for a getaway? What's been the best and
worst part of your winter so far?
Have a getaway planned for the beginning of April and definitely looking
forward to that. I miss being able to
get out walking when the weather’s bad, but I love getting out when it's bright and sunny even if it's cold.
7. The Wednesday Hodgepodge lands on National Margarita Day...will you be
celebrating? Frozen or on the rocks? Are you a Jimmy Buffet fan? If so,
what's your favourite JB tune?
Not a margarita person but I guess it’s an excuse for a glass of red! I had to look Jimmy up so don’t have a
favourite tune of his.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My eldest brother and I have never been particularly
close – age and distance divide us but we do keep in touch. It was still a bit of shock to hear yesterday
that the problems he’s had with his spine (a cracked vertebrae that had to be
fused) were probably caused by the tumour they have discovered. Hopefully a course of radiotherapy will put
him into remission. I know I can count
on those of you who pray to think of him.