Your prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “tail/tale.” Use one, used them both, you decide. Enjoy!
Well this will be a tale of a tail or hopefully not. We have a mouse in the house. I noticed it last week. Well not the mouse itself but evidence that it was around. You know what I mean. Droppings! In the kitchen. Not a happy bunny.
Of course I want to get rid of the mouse but unfortunately we no longer have cats. And we now have a son who has become allergic to them and another son with 2 greyhounds who would have great fun chasing a cat if we had one. That would not have a happy ending. So no cats.
But no mice either! Hubby was despatched to the hardware store to invest in traps. He bought several of the standard ones.
Plus a humane one.
I'm reluctant to use the tried and tested kind - I have nightmares about finding and having to dispose of the dead bodies. Or worse, dealing with the trapped mice that are in agony and having to put them out of their misery. Or maybe finding a tail or a chewed off foot might be even worse. I could probably cope with a dead mouse but the alternatives are a bit worrying so the humane trap has been set and baited.
Interestingly the packaging stated that the trap should be checked every couple of hours so that a caught mice would not get distressed! Distressed? Umm I think I would rather deal with a mouse dead from a heart attack brought on by stress than having to take a live one at least a quarter of a mile away to ensure it doesn't return. I kid you not, those were the instructions on the box! But transporting it would still be preferably to dealing with the maimed version.
However the mouse (and its family) have thus far avoided the humane trap. I managed to corner it one night. Under the toaster. I was sure it would end up in the trap. So I waited. And waited. Eventually I decided to check in case it had escaped. It hadn't but in checking I gave it a way out and it escaped to fight another day.
But...I then read that mice do not like mint so I have placed peppermint tea bags around and the kitchen and.....whether it was almost catching it or the smell of mint, there have been no sightings of a mouse for the last few days. I hope that's the end of the tale.
I hate mice. None inside but we have ton of cats in the hood and one resident cat so we've seen a few "presents" in the driveway. I make the hubs dispose.