Tuesday, 2 May 2023

A - Z Challenge 2023 - Reflections

#AtoZChallenge 2023 Reflections

Hmm well I think I could just go back to a previous year's Reflection post and copy and paste it here.

Well not quite.

I've been blogging for years but there are often times when I need a challenge to get me back into the rhythm of regular blogging and the A-Z Challenge definitely serves that purpose.

Except it doesn't - well not always.  I start out with good intentions, usually before Christmas, thinking about what I might use as a theme etc and, I've usually got at least a few posts scheduled to post before the 1st April.  My aim being that, if my posts are already done,  I'll have time to visit lots of new blogs.

It never seems to turn out that way.  I often end up winging it and visiting new blogs becomes very sporadic.  I didn't even get to the A-Z homepage very often which I feel is a bit disrespectful to the wonderful team who put this challenge together year after year.  (Although I'm not sure having the lists on the A-Z page was helpful.  As long as the lists are available somewhere to be downloaded I'm happy.)

This year I did manage to have all my posts appear at the right time.  None of them were late so that's an improvement on last year.  But I feel I was lazy with my theme - Being a Grandparent.  I have 6 grandchildren and I love them all to bits so writing about them is really easy.  I certainly wasn't pushing any boundaries.

I don't consider myself a writer as such but I do like to write.  I need to have a good think about how I might approach next year's challenge.

Oh yes I expect to be back.

The links to all my posts for this year can be found here.


  1. I really enjoyed your A-Z, Wendy. It was a good theme and was fun reading about the kiddos and your take on being a grandparent. Loved it!!

    1. Aww Thanks Terri. I really appreciate all your visits and supportive comments.

  2. Visiting back from Sue's Trifles (Reflection post). Like you I found it difficult to visit as many blogs as I'd hoped to.

  3. Congrats on finishing.



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